ive had fibro 5 months and this is the worst day of pain ever . I never realised how bad it can be till today . Used a walking stick and it hurt to even hold it . i was at my friends and and screamed in pain i could not believe it x
worst day ever: ive had fibro 5 months... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
worst day ever

Oh rosehip! I feel for you, hope you can rest up and perhaps you have meds that you are able to take to help with the extra pain.
Takecare hun
poppy xx
Its so worrying Im scared of how much worse it can get xxxxxxx
Oh poor you I have had problems with walking
But not to the extent that I need a stick, hope
You feel better soon.
hi I always use walking stick when I'm out, I couldn't get out and about without it. Sometimes im on 2 crutches and I also have wheelchair when pains so bad even walking is impossible. I'm 45 and was diagnosed bout 15yrs ago and things have gradually got worse. My doc describes mine as having acute fibromyalgia. Was just in docs earlier 2day 2 get my medication changed as my current medication was no longer working. I have had really bad few wks where I have spent my time between crying and screaming with pain. I'm just hope the new medication kicks in soon so I get good nites sleep and can enjoy a day. I know totally how u feel but u have 2 just take it 1 day at a time xx
hi rosehip
i hope u get beta, ma meds don't work and my specialist says he won't change my meds because it won't do any good, iv just got 2 go down the long process of sortin out my ocd, depression an anxiety and then my fibro will sort it's self out prob is im in agony it's gettin harder and harder every day, the story was just 2 let u know ur not alone this site keeps me from givin up x
Bless you .Sorrry you're having such a bad time. Hope you can get some pain relief sorted. I used a stick for the first time a few weeks ago and it really helped to take some weight off my knees. It's horrible to be in such pain. I seem to shift between pain and fatigue but having good few days off work and enjoying pacing myself. Just ride this flare up out and some relief will follow. take care.