omg so frustrated can't stop crying my legs av the worst shootin pains my hips feel like there clicking out o place my backs snapping im on the verge of takin every pill I've got why can't they come up with something that takes the pain away!!!!!!
Worst night ever!!!!: omg so frustrated... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Worst night ever!!!!

Hello Donna17, Sorry to hear that your in so much pain, what medication are you on at the moment and are you under your Gp or a doctor at the hospital and have you been referred to the Pain Clinic yet? Love Aisha x
do you think you need to call nhs direct or the new 111 ?
maybe a shower of bath might help. or a hot water bottle.
I hope it eases,
Morning are you feeling a bit better? If not please make a doctors appointment and get your self rechecked over. Let us know how it goes xgins
Horrid horrid - but you are not alone - we all know how that feels and we are here to support one another - hoping the desperation has passed and you can get some checks done today.................don't take no for an answer - get to see your GP and demand some help!! No one should have to endure this.....
I never say owt to my doc coz he treats me like a hypocondriac xx
Hi Donna.. you poor aaweet fibro babe... last my lovely i felt the same way. inso much pain crying. Wating my skin to. Ripped from my bodyi could were clothes as touching. Me burned.. my only savour wa tbe ligbtexst softest besch rap....i am cominv oit of it now my lovley and you will too.. hou a stron willed lady. So you ., like all of us sill pull thoughand rember..
Has your GP never heard of Fibromyalgia? maybe you need to print off some info for them!! They should be your first point of relief Donna - please don't give up! Or ask to see another doctor.
He is ignorant I wrote him a letter n it took 3 weeks n I finally rang n they said oh yeah he's upped yr tramadol x x
Disgraceful Donna. Is there another doctor at the same practice you could see - might be quicker than changing surgeries in teh short term - but don't let them fob you off - or we will all be round to see him!!!!! And there are HUNDREDS of us ?
Haha thanks that made me chuckle we shud do a fibro awareness march lol xx
A slow one!