worst day ever : we had to put are 1... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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worst day ever

kathlaidlaw profile image
17 Replies

we had to put are 18 year old dog last night

and then I could not sleep as I had to stay up with her

as I count not leave her on her own

then time to put her in the ground and that was just as bad

god I feel so bad

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kathlaidlaw profile image
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17 Replies
Tannels profile image

This is a horrible experience to go through and it takes time to get over it. I went through the same a couple of years ago with my cavalier; I was that distraught at the vet's (I stayed with her when she had the injection) they had to let me leave through the staff exit, I was in a terrible state. It's a big loss and you feel like you have lost something forever. I was told it was the kindest thing to do; but at the time it did not feel like it. I realise now that it was her time. I do sympathise and hope that you get through today and tomorrow will be a little easier.

Gentle hugs

Tannels x

So sorry you have had to do this, it is very hard. Time will heal and you have her forever in your heart xx

suffolklass profile image

Hi Kath. I'm sorry to hear your news. It's hard to explain how it feels to non-pet people. I had the same experience as Tannels and had to leave by the back. Our pets are family and give so much love so it's understandable why you feel so bad. I'm sending hugs and hope you feel a bit better.

Is x

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Hi kath, what a dreadful loss for you, but the one thing you must hang on to is that now your lovely dog is out of pain and you did the right and the kindest thing for her, but at great cost emotionally to you. It is like losing a child almost, when I had to have my first terrier put to rest I grieved as I would had she been a child, I had never been able to have children and Gertie was to me my child. I felt as though nothing would ever be the same again, and no, it won't be, but it will different and slowly you will come to terms with her loss. For me it took ages, so don't expect too much too soon, and do let yourself grieve, please don't bottle it up. I admire you tremendously for the action you have taken, so many people wouldn't have stayed up all night with their beloved, but you did and you laid her in the ground, I'm sure in the very best way. Sending positive caring vibes your way.

Foggy x

Cookie72 profile image

Hi Kath so sorry to hear your sad news, I have been down that road, so many times and it never gets any easier does it, they become your soul mate dont they,so to speak they give us so much unconditional love,....and me telling you she is out of pain now wont make you feel better yet at this moment in time, but it soon will, and she will be running thru the tall grass there up in dog heaven with not a pain in her, body....my little westie has chronic kidney failiure she is living on borrowed time, and should have died April last year,the vets want to know what ive been doing to keep her alive, just love and kindness I said, and i know the time will soon come to have to do just what you have done, and I have done so many times before,....we are all thinking of you and here if you want to chat, cry rant or rave, just take care your fibro body cant take too much stress, sendings oodles of hugs your way...Dee xx

hamble99b profile image

they are more than just a pet and we're never ready to lose any of them.

let the tears flow and try to remember the happy times, the sweet or funny moments.

what you did for her was the kindest most unselfish thing you could do, she always knew she was loved.

be kind to yourself.


sandra x

Fibrofoggiest profile image

On a need to see basis could you ever post a piccie of Dexter, I for one would love to see the mix. :-)

Foggy x

Malwimmy27 profile image

Hi Kath, so sorry to hear about your loss. Our oets are such large parts of our families. Just allow yourself to grieve properly. It's important to talk about them every day and keep their memory alive.

Becky. Xxx

anbuma profile image

hi Kath so sorry to hear of your loss.our dogs are our family.i went thru the same when I lost my Max .I went with him at the vets whilst he took his last breath and was so distraught.i was lucky i had a good friend who came with me to the vets and I sobbed all the way home in the car.i had my other dog to keep going for as he had lost his companion too.at the time it seemed the best thing to do as I didn't want him to suffer,i still miss him terribly.

not sure of website -RAINBOW BRIDGE-a place you can remember your dog also petinheaven.org.

larissa profile image

God ,its so hard .

About 6 mnths ago , I had to have my 12yr German Shepherd put down . It felt like having my heart ripped out. So loving and loyal ,part of the family.

Just to say,i know how you must feel and sometimes the kindest thing is the hardest thing to do .

Be easy on yourself and do what you need to do ........ cry, scream, sleep , whatever .

Kind thoughts

Lara x

ladytelita profile image

So sorry for your loss. I think we all feel the same when a beloved pet dies. It breaks our heart, but you'll always remember them, so they live on in your memories. I lost one of my cats early last year to illness and have another that is 20 in October. Some days he seems fine, others he clearly struggles (arthritis). I'm hoping he'll go peacefully in his sleep one day; the idea of taking him to the vets for it pains me deeply. He's been with me since before I had my children. I love him so much.

Take it one day at a time. I found I was hit at the strangest moments with thoughts and memories and would burst in to tears, even when driving. Let yourself grieve fully. It helps the healing process.


JSue profile image

I feel your pain and am sending you a hug.

Losing a beloved pet seems unbearable to me and I think about this inevitable part of life with my Alvy, every single day.

You will meet her again at Rainbow Bridge. Xxx

Tattyhead53 profile image


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

This will make you sob buckets, but I hope will bring you some comfort too. It did and does me. Hugs.

Teddysmum43 profile image

Oh I just had to send you huge hugs,it's a horrible thing to have to do when you love them so much. I've had to do it a fair few times and it is heart breaking. With one dog I used Blue Cross pet bereavement support line to help me through those terrible first days. They were wonderful. What a lovely link Tatty you have put on here,the thought of them going to rainbow bridge has always helped. Give yourself lots of time to get over this.xxxx

kathlaidlaw profile image

Thank you all for your kindness and I have 3 other dogs but she has been through so much with me my boys going from child to adults . . are first grand baby and just 18 years of happy and sad life she was always there . I never came in to an empty housewith out some one saying hi mum . GOD I miss her but thank you all

soft hugs

angied profile image

so sorry for your loss we had to put our springer to sleep a week ago today he was 13 our first ever dog but it was time hopefully getting his ashes back next week kids are asking when hes coming back(ashes ) as then they will feel hes back with us

rainbowdancer profile image

So sad to hear this I went through this a few years ago now with my Tibetans First the Mum died then her sister,and I was still left with the pups then One died then another year and the last one died I was in bits,they all reached 16/18 years and become part of your family.

I swore I would never have another dog....then I got a little rescue breeding Yorkie he was so timed and now he is my world,He helped me with my greif and I am so lucky now to have him in my life.

I do hope the pain for you will ease,my thoughts are with you (((((((((((((((((( :-( )))))))))))))))))

Rainbow x x

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