Fibromyalgia Action UK

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16 Replies

Hi to you all i am not really coming on here today i may pop in later but i really am jus chilling have read all your blogs in the last few days and have replied to a couple of them i cant really apply to the all as much as i would like to just not got the energy i am so sorry i feel like i am letting you all down as i always like to answer them all and also be there for you all whether to cheer you up or jus a shoulder to cry on so i have nt been much use to you all lately but i just need to catch up as you know i have not been sleeping for a month and ithink this was my body saying enough is enough

i am seeing my GP on wed so will have a chat with her about sleeping tablets and stuff but i am feeling alot better than i was will prob be back on here jus odd times for next few days but jus to let you know i am thinking of you all and am here for you all so with lots of love diddle xxxxx

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16 Replies

Please diddle try not to take sleeping tablets you will get addicted to them have 6you tried cheery active juice I have the same problem only use to get max 3 hrs now i get 5 hrs so a good improvement for me it takes a while to get in your system but it works so diddle I do hope you don't take sleeping tablets ,sorry to go on hope you have a better day soft hugs ))))

Allan x

try and have a restxxx

tinkz2007 profile image

Sorry to hear how bad you've been feeling Diddle, you just need to take some time for you and not worry about letting anyone down.

As for sleeping tablets, I have some, which I take on a very sparingly basis (i.e. 1 every couple of months) so that I don't get reliant on them, but they do the job and let me have a whole night sleep to recharge for the next few months. I also cut out all caffeine, which really did help, I drink de-caf tea which tastes exactly the same as regular tea, and if I have any fizzy drinks I always drink the zero brand which has no caffeine in.

Take care of you, hopefully you'll be back to your usual happy helpful self soon :-)

Gentle hugs xx

jazher profile image

Hi Diddle, i am so sorry you rae not yourself hun. :(

You are noot letting anybody done hun, and stop stressing over it as you will just make yourself worse.

We just want you to rest and get some Diddle time to recover and then you can come back to your normal self. :)

I hope you pick up soon diddle, i am thinking about you and just want to send you a big hug and you reply when you are ready hun. :)

hugs and love from kel xxxxxxxx

kimbell profile image

Hi Diddle, I haven't been on for a couple of days due to fatigue, so pls don't worry, we all understand. You're very thoughtful, kind and funny diddle and we all look forward to when you return, but in your own time.

Love and hugs, Kimbell x

Hi Diddle

I havent been on for a while either as i am just so exhausted. I know how you feel, but you need to rest up and think of yourself at the moment. Everyone will still be here for you when you are ready to come back.

hugs to you xx

fibrodude profile image

Hi Diddle, you are not letting anybody down at all, don't you even think such a thing. Since I have been on here you have been very supportive and kind and have made me laugh. Now its your turn to

be supported and looked after. It's good to take some time out now and watch your own health. Take a well earned rest. Feet up...slippers on! Xxxxx :)

Gentle hugs diddle,

Sweetie, stop worrying about letting your fellow fibromites down and just concentrate on YOU! Just take it easy and rest - you'll be back with us soon enough.


Carol xx

lollypop profile image

hugs to you diddle,lots of rest,takecare xxx

soulsusie profile image

Hey Diddle you are so kind tryining to do what you do ...... BUT there is only ONE DIDDLE, so we need YOU to chill completley and think of just yourself, never mind all of us.

Love and Hugs

Sue x x x x x

lynz profile image

hugs diddle and you look after yourself xxx

Ang01 profile image

Hey Diddle, its our time to give a little back to you now after all the times you have been there for everyone else. We must remember we cannot be all things to all people and when we are feeling like C++p we must accept it and take back what we need when it is offered. I am a great one to lecture you cos I do exactly the same but I am slowly beginning to learn by my own mistakes and take the help and support when it is offered.

If you are anything like me I bet you havn't got a medal or plaque on your wall saying "Well done Diddle for always being there".

Your body is obviously letting you know that you have been overdoing it and it now needs to rest so take the easy option and chill out and relax. We and all our problems will still be here tomorrow, next week, next month and next year and we want you to be there with us and not a tired wreck sat in the corner unable to communicate with us.

We know you are here for us Diddle and you know we are are all here for you so take, care, chill out, relax, sleep if you can and eat lots of cake but most of all get well soon. Wish I could pop in and give you a hug, love Angela xx

westgate profile image


You may not know it, but you are virtual sanity check for me. If ever im feeling a bit woe is me - up you pop with a funny! So much so that if funny / foggy things happen in my life i automatically think about you!

You are perfectly entitled to a rest and time out! (yes you have my full permisson!)

It is my / our turn to support you.

i send you good sleep, humour, energy and hugs and may the lord keep the tiger balm well out of your reach.....:-)


roxyroo profile image

Hi Diddle, your not letting anyone down. We want you well. So REST !!! and of course eat CAKE. :) We will all be here waiting for your return hunni.

So take it easy. Big hug & loadsa love to you. Helen xxx

Hi Diddle, you aren't letting anyone down, you need to get better yourself and think of number one = you! None of us have to be here at a certain time everyday, there is no set regime. We are here when we can manage it, we are all in the same boat so we all understand. Pop in when you feel like it, that's more than enough, it's always a pleasure to see everyone here! Take care and please don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself thinking you have to be here all the time . . . . gentle hugs and take care of yourself :) :)

TIDDLYF profile image

Diddle i am so sorry you are feeling so rough at the moment. Just so you know you are not letting any of us down. If anything you have let yourself down by pushing yourself too hard in supporting all of us.

Speaking personally I have found you a great tower of strength over the few months I have been looking at this site. Yours was the first name I began to recognise as always being there, and i was in a dark place by the time i found you all.

Just reading your comments and the 'banter' that goes on plus all the information about my health that i have gleaned from this site has helped me enormously. It is like having a new group of friends - who understand,and who you dont have to justify yourself to

So thank you! Dont feel guilty. AND REST!!!!

Gentle Hugs Tina

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