Hi to everyone,i am new to this site and so glad i have found people who understand the pain and how this illness affects us so much.
Well today i went to a tribunal for DLA, I felt as if i was trial and the doctor had no idea what ME Syndrome or Fibro,i explained symptons then got asked to go out of room and wait to be called back in.
Well after i got called in i was on the spot for 2 hours,continuious questions as to what i can and can't do,asking how i feel every day and why haven't i been to pain clinic or a ME specialist,OMG!!!Grrrrr,it's not my fault if my GP hasn't refered me to such clinics. I explained i asked my doctor about ME Specialist and told there isn't one in my area and my GP can provide drugs to help.
Yeah right,i'm on Fentanyl,Tramadol,Codeine and they do very little,i'm in a wheelchair as walking even the shortest of distance is so painful as you all know and experience,i'm shocked that the Tribunal doctors and independent advisor know very little about such illness and to top it off,i had a bladder bypass last April,and the doctor asked me this ''Is the bladder sewn to your stoma bag''?,What the hell!!!!!, i mean yeah he's old,but surely all the years he's been a GP he must know,i had to show them my stoma bag also.
I was informed after 2 long horrible hours of such a ordeal i will get to know in post sometime this week,but i'm not holding my breath at all.
If any of you are in the process of claiming DLA or due a Tribunal,for the love of god,please make sure you have every specialist you see in black and white,due to my memory loss i got so confused with being asked about specialist i ended up getting upset in the room and felt a right daft twit.
Also for people who suffer this illness aswell as Fibro,if we are so bad we have to have walking aids,wheelchair,grab rails, tip kettle ,hoist to help with getting out of bed and home help,all prescribed by our own GP.
My reply was i have a wheelchair which i brought myself and i can not afford such items as i only get just under eighty pounds a week and i need that for gas,electric,food etc.
Anyways,i'm babbling on cos i am so rattled about today,have a banging headache,in agony with burning legs and knees and also tired from haiving a seizure lastnight. So i will love you all and wish you all well and have a nice evening. Hugs Julie,xxxx
P.S.Does anyone else suffer with seizures? I started with them 3 months ago and prescribed Gabepentin,but not refered to specialist .