what supplements does everyone take and what do they help you with? I currently take magnesium+calcium, omega 3 fish oil and evening primrose oil.
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Hi there, I take a multi vitamin a day @cod liver oil , my mother/in law was recently told too check what was in the vitamins as people can over Medicate and also not too take at the same time as her BP tablets by her doctor as certain things in the vitamin tablet could inter act with her medication which I thought was good information, I was also picked up on a blood test for having too much B12 in my system and told too stop taking that by the doctor, so always good too run things by your local pharmacist or doctor. I think with Winter coming and lack of Sunlight it’s well worth the effort in trying to keep as healthy as possible . But differently run anything by doc/pharmacist 1st x
I am taking tumeruc n black pepper tsblets, multi vitamins plus one fir joints pain. Multi vitamins were recommended to take by gp and really noticed when en i ran out and stopping taking for a week.I inly buy cheap ones that contain all the vitamins as the ge amount are same as expensive ones but are helping
Cheap multi vitamins regularly contain cheap ingredients including compounds that (some) of us cannot breakdown or absorb into our bodies; while it is recommended some vitamins and minerals are taken well away ( 4 hours) from other ones, and medication, including iron/ferritin. I have other health conditions that compromise my gut and some vits/ mins supplements even make me sick! So it is worth further investigation to know what you are taking to get your money’s , and health’s, worth!
I have many of the problems with supplements you mentioned, but no idea how to research which forms / brands are better. Where do you look?
I take VitD3+K, a good B complex that I alternate with methyl B12. Magnesium and a general low dose vegan multi vit but I also have neuropathy. Although I ended up same as Yassytina recently with my B12 being too high, but unfortunately mine is due to CKD, my kidneys are just not coping. Whatever you're supplementing try to keep an eye on your levels when you have bloods done, particularly your B12 & VitD although most people benefit from VitD throughout the winter months we do need more than most
Have you found supplements that help the neuropathy?
Have tried A LOT over the years but tend to stick with B12, B Complex, VitD3+K & Magnesium. How about you, do you have neuropathy too?
I take a multivitamin, vitamin D and Coenzyme Q10. The Coenzyme seems to have been most beneficial of the 3 and has helped with the aches in my leg muscles. It did take a few weeks to kick in. A couple of weeks back I ran out and within about 4 days my legs muscles were really aching.
Hi RatArtYes taking supplements needs to be monitored by blood tests. B12 in particular. My Rheumatology consultant said try selenium and I found standard dose helped fatigue. Extra vit c only when starting with a cold. I have a permanent vit D deficiency so take 3000 in winter 1000 in summer when I get more sunshine.This helps with low mood.
The biggest help has been probiotics to help gut as that helps you absorb what you need. Buy from a recognised supplier not Internet.
Have regular blood tests.
I guess we are all different and need to find balance.
All things in moderation
Take care all
I’ve started taking bovine liver supplements for this reason. I have a really limited diet with my histamine intolerance and liver is the most nutrient dense food there is.
Hi there. I take Multivitamins, Magnesium Malate, Tumeric, CoQ10 and Vit B complex with Vit D and NAD. I would say the one I noticed making a difference when I started taking it was the NAD supplement. I'm having a routine blood test soon, want to check I'm not overdosing as I know I am taking quite a number of supplements.😊
If you’d like a good Tumeric supplement, I’ve found Opti Tumeric made by Healthspan is excellent, I suffer chronic pain.
I take Vitamin C and Calcium, I know the Calcium is good for my bones and nails. Vitamin C I take because I have COPD and try to keep relatively healthy and I don't want to get any Chest Infections. I also use Magnesium Spray on my legs, and that does help with the pain.
How often do you use the magnesium spray and how soon did it start working?
I use it every morning after taking a shower. It worked immediately, I was very sceptical about it when I bought it, I thought that it was just a gimmick and wouldn't do anything for me, but I was really surprised the first time I used it. 🙂 Once a day is usually enough to keep the pain down, but sometimes I have to use it in the evening as well. Make sure you wash the area you are using it on before applying it. I smooth it into the skin. Doesn't work for everybody though. 😢
I take Turmeric and black pepper for broken skull damage, lessens the pain in equilibrium when moving the old 'bonce'🙄, and vitamin D3 4000 to strengthen broken rib cage structure , magnesium oil joint spray for my knees, osteoarthritis, best effect after shower.
Hi, i take magnesium before bed as it helps me sleep (not everyday) a multivitamin and seven seas joint care or boots brand is cheaper. Any tablet that has glucosamine is good i think ☺️ try herbal teas with turmeric, i find they help, the warmth is good for the joints too. Rose
Hi, I'm currently taking Magnesium for leg cramps, Turmeric, Vitamins & Mineral complex for over 60's, Calcium for bone health. Julia x
I take magnesium, turmeric , I was told vitamin D is a must because fibro people are usually deficient in it . Omega 3 I take also
I take a multi vitamin and mineral....Centrum Women 50+, Probiotic daily to help with acid reflux problems and apparently (as GP told me) can help regulate menopause gynae symptoms, vitamin D daily spray during cold months and magnesium spray massaged in nightly to help with restless legs. I've also been taking slippery elm at lunchtime to help alleviate acid reflux issues. All seems to help.
hi, I take supermarket own brand multivitamin and iron, omega 3 fish oil daily. It makes no difference to me if they are cheap or expensive. I look at the % RDA and what vits/minerals are included rather than the price. A small daily dose of creatine helps me too, the type taken by body builders. I take it for about 8 weeks then have a break for a couple of weeks. I think it helps a little with muscle pain. Also take probiotics (in food form) for IBS as often as I can. That’s sauerkraut, kefir and kimchi for example.