Hi everybody, I have had a suggestion that I may need a supplement of vitamin D and magnesium. This was from a friend, but I wondered if I should see a GP before I start taking anything else. I take 20mg of amitriptyline so I don't want anything to react with this. Any advice would be appreciated.
Vitamin supplements: Hi everybody, I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Vitamin supplements

Hi Golfer15 ,
It's always best to run it past your GP first before starting to take any Vitamins. If your surgery hasn't yet started to tighten its belt, you may even get the offer to do a blood test first, and if it is very low, they will prescribe them for you.
GP. 😊😊
Hi Golfer15 if you look to your right of screen you will see under "Related Topics" links to similar questions and concerns 're. Supplements. My advise would definitely run it by your GP because if your not deficient in vit d it's not good to take to much of it.
Magnesium does seem to have been disgussed a lot recently so you should be able to find lots of info in older posts.
Luv Jan xx
Hi Golfer15
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today my friend? I would also recommend that anyone thinking of taking any supplement should run it past their doctor first. Many supplements if they are not needed do carry side effects or can interact with other medication. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi I would see your GP. And have some blood tests done 1st, to make sure you are lacking in D. Vitamins can also do more harm than good. Goo luck.
Yes I do take Vit D supplement after my bloods showed it was low and I am on Amitriptyline and there was no reaction......I will say though that even though I have been on it for quite along time I have felt no physical benefit but am sure there must be some benefits......best of luck.....
Hi golfer 15, I would definitely recommend checking with your gp as I had read about magnesium supplements and was going to get them but i remember that a got magnesium through iv when in hospital with my chest , I was advised not to take the suppliments as I have itvin some of my medication and to much can also be as bad as not having enough, so I think better to be safe than sorry, especially if you take regular meds,
Good luck with it and i hope it does help you if you decide to take it.also if you do need any suppliments you might get them from gp sndcsave you buying them lol.
Wishing you a pain free day take care
Loraine x
You could ask your GP to do a blood test and then if you are deficient in these which is quite common with people with fibro they can give you the correct amount on presciption. As you say you can;t be too careful about taking any supplements when you are other medication.x