Hi everyone, just wandering which oil people take from cbd brothers? And how many drops a day? I have the purple oil and am considering getting the white oil after reading good reviews and as it is stronger and my thinking is I would need less.. any thoughts experience would be really helpful - thankyou
Cbd brothers: Hi everyone, just... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Cbd brothers

I have the green from cbd brothers but hate the taste 😞and so far not found any benefit from it was toying with idea of trying a stronger one , I have the one that drops under your tongue
I thought the white was milder but maybe I've got them the wrong way round. ( brain a bit addled today
White says 500 mg and I've got Blue that says 2000mg. The White didn't do anything much for my pain but the Blue really helps. I don't use it daily, only when I really need it.
I have the green oil & take 2 drops or 3 times a day, I find it really helps, but I'm struggling with the taste (see my post from yesterday), but I'm going to try some of the ideas suggested & persevere.
Thankyou everyone 😊 x
I use the green paste during day and purple paste for night. I put a rice size grain on a choc button under tongue. Green paste supposed to be good for pain.
Thankyou mcglada0 I thought purple and white were good for pain but really I guess it's trial and error with all of them - I haven't really noticed that much pain relief so far with purple..
Hey ive tried a few and found the one i actually get delivered from the netherlands is best( amsterdam) it is stronger then what there aloud to send over here!
It called medihemp 10% raw oille from Cbdsense.
Lulububs- thankyou I did use that exact one from cbd sense- and at the time it did seem to dull down my pain which was amazing, and then I had a terrible flare up and since ran out - so tried the purple at cbd brothers as cheaper, but I'm thinking I need to buy some more medihemp- how much do you take a day ? I was taking 4 drops in morning and 4 in evening which did seem to work until flare up - and then I just questioned it all if that makes sense!
Hey charlie
Yeh i started at 4-5 drops under tongue morning and evening but now i just take 3 .
I dont think anything will ever cure it u will always have flares but it the quality of life u get inbetween them flares and recognising what causes them in first place so u know not to do it again.
I love walking i walk about 4-6 miles a day through work and walking dogs , i could walk even further if had time BUT if i do the gardening i literally cannot move for 5 days after so i dont do it , i make my husband do it!!
It recognising ur bodies limits.
I suffer with ibs to and it has helped that alot to.
For me ( and i have tried them all) medihemp was by far the best for me, not saying it same for everyone. I also have a tea
Hey Lulububs
Walking for me causes pain I used to love to walk but now I'm not able to walk far atall, I'm hoping I can build up to walking further. I even tried a bit of swimming but that didn't agree with me either. I get terrible flares before my period I literally go from being 'fairly' able to disabled and then I can't get back to where i was. Have tried hormones in past but they give me such a low mood but just started again today with a mini pill as the last flare was so bad- and I was doing so well before. So was thinking about maybe trying the blue edition to help my mood not sure if I'm correct in thinking that the blue edition is good for mood..
I don't have a diagnosis of fibro -have had chronic pelvic pain for 4 years following a lap for endometrima removal and have just got worse , basically if I don't have pelvic pain / groin pai I have terrible back leg pain..
I'm gonna get more medihemp - do you mean 3 drops twice a day you take now?
Yeh i take 3 drops twice a day.
Oh my god it literally could b me writing ur message!
I havent been diagnosed but they told me it either fibro or eds( hypermobilty syndrome)
I am currently in women health physio as my pelvic area flares up more then anything else....
And my biceps??? Weird i know.
So the pelvic area is getting better but unfortunatly i used to b a gymnast and a long distance runner as a teenager and it has taken it toll on my hips and joint BIG TIME.
I flare up when im due on and my first three days of period. It the only time i result to painkillers as i prefer to do it naturally.
Sometimes i up the cbd oil just before and first 3 days of period. Also may i recommend u find a good osteo or women health physio. They are like gold dust when u find one u never let them
Awe thanks Lulububs - I have just started to see a womans health physio we haven't got very far as I'm just so delicate but she seems good and I feel comfortable with her so I'm hoping to make some progress..
It is the build up to my period and I can hardly walk and once I start to bleed it gets loads better. That is good your pelvic area has improved did your physio detect pelvic muscle spasms? I don't like taking pills either so cbd is a god send!
Yeh i find if i take painkillers i get worse in the pelvic area as i get constipated which then results in sciatica as the poop basically sits on my sciatic nerve!
So i have to b regular! Or im talking a whole new level of pain!
I see a pelvic floor specialist for internal work but i also pay to see a osteo as i have such trouble with hips and that anyway so between two it working.
I also religiously do the pelvic stretches which i think have helped me more then anything, i do them three times a day and i can feel the muscles are stretching and not spasming so much.
Your muscles tend to spasm when they shrink which happens when ur in pain .. they automatically shrink to save themselves but if u restretch them out it teaches them to not automatically shrink then no spasm!
So alot of it is all about retraining ur body to treat pain differently.
Cbd oil is just a relaxant, anti imflammatory and pain med all at same time without giving ur body any horrible side effects. I use the cbd tea to if im really bad.
See if u do the stretchea before ur period and whilst u can eliminate some of the pain as once again ur body is recognising pain( period pain) and the muscles are goin into flight or fight mode and cowering up and shrinking but if u stretch those pelvic muscles out it will feel alot easier...
It may sound weird but this is what my physio has been explaining to me how the body works and it does make sense to me
Thankyou that is all really useful 😊 Yeah i understand have to reset everything as been in pain for so long and my muscles have definitely shortened. My physio has only examined me a little and not gone far in yet so i havent had any internal work - i hope i can tolerate it! which pelvic stretches do you do? ( dont worry if too diffilcult to explain!) I have caused many flares when over stretching..