Does anyone suffer from the above? I had a stroke in Nov 2020 and despite some complications from this, recovery has been slow. In 2021 I started experencing severe and sharp chest pain and pain under my breast and radiating through to my shoulder blades. Having attended A&E on advice of the NHS doctor's ruled out a heart attack and suggested it might be costochronditis (also called Devils Grip). I was advised to rest and continue with pain relief. Early 2022 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia as I was in so much pain all over my body and my mobility started to decline further. I contracted COVID in around March last year which lasted several months with a nasty cough, loss of voice and problems with swallowing. I then had a further bout of costochronditis which eventually cleared up through complete rest. I later had specialised tests and ultrasounds on my heart which ruled out any valve leaks or problems.
I contracted COVID again two months ago and although it was very mild compared to the first episode I had a fibromyalgia flare up and it feels like the costochronditis has returned. It won't go away and is very disabling. Sadly my GP is as helpful as a chocolate fireguard (we have one GP in a rural village) that I try not to see him since he disregards anything you say and I've been avoiding going to A&E because they are maxed out and the hospital is rife with COVID and the likelihood is that they would just offer pain relief as there appears to be no specific treatment for this. Corticosteroids is mentioned but I am limited to what I can take due to the stroke.
Has anyone suffered with this, have you found anything that helps with the pain or flare ups? I can't take anti inflammatory meds due to being on blood thinners so I am prescribed Lidocaine patches and tramadol for pain relief for diabetic neuropathy, post stroke pain and the fibromyalgia. I was given oramorph once which helped slightly but I get very groggy and nauseous from opioids plus I don't like taking them. 50mg of tramadol is generally the maximum I can take without having too many side effects.
I've tried things like tigerbalm, hot water bottles, electric blanket, tens machine and so on but get none or short term relief from them.
I wonder if costochonditis is triggered by fibromyalgia or COVID? There's not much about it online.
Sorry for the long essay but I'm quite frustrated.🙄