Morphine - Fibromyalgia: How does... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Morphine - Fibromyalgia

faulknerp profile image
26 Replies

How does everyone handle their major flare ups? Does anyone have morphine prescribed to take in an emergency situation?

My wife suffers from fibromyalgia and once or twice a year it will get to the point where we have to go to A&E and she's given morphine. I am wondering if the pain team or GP prescribes morphine for anyone to use in emergencies like this?

I am thinking of maybe just one or two doses to be kept for emergency.

Does anyone have anything like this in place in the UK? Thanks.

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faulknerp profile image
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26 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi I am also in the same situation and it’s always a case of a trip to A&E. I have heard of people being prescribed morphine for home use but not sure how easy it is to actually get this for home use.

Had she been to a pain management clinic?

Maybe they could help with medication :)

Felix59 profile image

I'm on slow-release morphine (Zomorph) This was prescribed by the the practice pharmacist, not a doctor. She was concerned that I was taking duloxetine and tramadol together and was showing signs of seratonin syndrome. It helps, but doesn't prevent flares. I have nothing left to take if the pain gets worse.

Sg1474 profile image
Sg1474 in reply to Felix59

Please research Dr Isaac Goiz Lyme Disease biomagnetic therapy, has changed my life and I thought I was living with fibromyalgia. Xx

faulknerp profile image
faulknerp in reply to Sg1474

Thanks :)

Badbessie profile image

Hi my GP will prescribe me with oramorph for bad days but I have a number of conditions along side fibromyalgia. I am on a pain management programme and the pain specialist nurse went through the various new guidelines for prescribing morphine. Basically in general terms people with fibromyalgia are only given step 1 and 2 medications. Step 3 medications such as morphine are not really considered effective for the nerve type fibromyalgia pain. However I have used all of the standard type 2 such as Garberpentin amytripyline etc all of which did not work. They only thing that works for me are opiates. I would ask your GP for a referral to see a pain consultant. There may be other Medications that could help. I only use oramorph for about 3 weeks every year. Obviously if morphine was the only way for A&E could control your wife's pain in the short term you could make a case for her to be given it until seen by a specialist.

Patches12 profile image

I asked about patches which contain morphine or the injections I got told they are not givin opiates any more tryin to wean ppl off. I hope you get some help x

rosewine profile image

None of my GP's were prepared to prescribe morphine for fibromyalgia. They all said the same thing that it should only be used as a temporary measure if say someone has had an operation or accident or end of life care. Their view was that the body soon becomes accustomed to the drug and the strength keeps on having to be increased until there is no where else to go. I was offered Tramadol as a top up to my other drugs but unfortunately it didn't suit me. If it has proved beneficial she might be able to persuade her gp to prescribe it as a temporary measure during extreme flares.x

faulknerp profile image

Thanks, she's already on tramadol.... I think it may be a contributing factor to her headaches so we are cutting it down with a view to stopping. I don't think it makes a great deal of difference.

faulknerp profile image

The only thing that has ever worked is morphine at A&E.

mbrad24 profile image

Yes, I take a drug when pain is unbearable called dilaudid. It is a derivative of Morphine 1 mg.

VintageMustard profile image

Look into Tapentadol/Palexia. I was prescribed this after going to a pain clinic run by an anaesthetic consultant.

Reykua profile image

No. Unfortunately not.

There's a push by many to stop or reduce the prescription of a variety of opioids for pain management so.....

Morphine is prescribed usually in some form of slow release, not for emergency use. Sorry.

On the other hand, if you do have some success, please do let us know - I'll probably be first in the queue

All the best going forward

GillyGangGong profile image

Yes I take morphine 30mg x 2 ER daily with oramorph solution for breakthrough pain. I’m lucky I’ve been on it 2 years 1 year at this dose it’s the only thing that helps. obviously with fibromyalgia people have other conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, hypermobility ect which morphine works for. however my gp hates me taking but my pain management specialist says as long as the dose doesn’t go over 120mg a day is covered by the guidelines.

uggycat profile image
uggycat in reply to GillyGangGong

Hi Gilly I am now taking 30mg slow relief twice a day am very scared though if I do not get it right feel like I am having heart attack how do you cope hope you do not mind me asking also have some instant release

GillyGangGong profile image
GillyGangGong in reply to uggycat

How do you mean? Heart attack what’s causing this feeling? it may not work for you? It works for me. I started on 2.5mg of oramorph and worked up to 10mg x 2 daily slow release up to 30mg x2 I can take 2.5mg x 4 daily of the liquid it’s never made me feel like I’m having a heart attack. have you started on 30mg or worked up to that level? Apologies for the late reply, I don’t think I got an alert?

I went to A&E when my headaches got so bad I thought I must be having a haemorrhage or something ( before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia) I was given oromorph. Stopped the pain and was ok initially but then started to make vomit.

I think if you can keep an amount of morphine safely at home it should be ok to use in an emergency but it’s potent stuff so store and use with care.

faulknerp profile image

Great thank you very much everyone :) Very helpful

SarahL137 profile image

Hiya I don’t know if it helps but after being on ten different medications alongside a fentanyl 75mg patch a consultant at the hospital recommended that I should be swapped onto morphine - I do have quite a few other issues alongside fibro but I would suggest your best bet is to ask one of the hospital consultants or pain management team to recommend it in writing to your gp. I now take sevredol - morphine sulphate 80mg a day alongside pregablin and paracetoml.

faulknerp profile image
faulknerp in reply to SarahL137

Very helpful thanks :)

LuluCops profile image

I am on MST for Fibro and I’ve also been prescribed oramorph for breakthrough pain. I do have other conditions, my health is quite the tapestry! But these were both prescribed for fibro and not my other conditions.

I think it depends on your GP and the pain team around you. I am very fortunate to have a good GP and saw and excellent pain consultant who really knew her stuff.

Good luck.

faulknerp profile image

My wife is on gabapentin, tramadol, paracetamol, nortriptyline - I think this horrific combination will help "normal" days but when it's a bad day it doesn't do much, and when it spikes to a horrific flare up like we've seen with two recent migraines it does nothing whatsoever.

My plan is for her to drop the tramadol which I think isn't doing much and could be a contributing factor to migraines. Then the pain team may be willing to support emergency morphine or similar for the horrific fare ups when they happen.

Thank you so much everyone for your responses they have been very helpful. It looks like the majority of people are prescribed something for emergencies so I can go armed with this information to the pain team now.

Thanks to all.

Karm profile image

I have morphine sulphate liquid. Like you say when it's the worst. I have mine mostly at night now and again I may take one dose in the day.

Yeah the pain is constant. That's my problem. It's more the fact it won't stop.

I have only had 2 major flare up in 18 years, on both ocassions I presented at A&E and they gave me an I.V (drip) of strong paracetamol which settled it well, it also gets you a quicker appt or follow up to see your consultant, many would say don,t go A&E they are so busy- let me tell you they would rather treat patients like us who genuinely suffer than the week edn idiots who,ve drank too much..I was made very welcome and told not to hesitate if thing became so bad again..Following this I learned about hydrotherapy and havn,t needed to go A&E since.

Queenielot profile image

Hi sorry about your wife but she not alone I take morphine slow release capsules i take 40mg in morning then 12 hours later another 40mg ive been on them now about 8 year has the pain was so bad and got to say with the other meds im relatively good but i do have bad days like every one else Why dont you go to your doctor and ask him im sure there are lots of medications out there that will help your wife hugs to you both x

KateMaguire profile image

I have oramorph but have arthritis and costochondria plus other ailments along with the fibro - I suggest you ask your gp or pain clinic (whoever's most sympathetic!). The worse they can say is no. Good luck. Xx

Cubs profile image

I tried alot of different pain killers in the 25+ years i had fibro and if you take something too long you body gets used to it. Or in my case i either have a bad reaction or they do nothing for my pain (even morphine doesn't do anything for my pain) the only thing that i finds works is listen to your body if it says sleep that's what u need to do, you need to work out to listen to your body and don't over do it. I know its eaiser said then done.

Hope this helps.

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