I have been prescribed Duloxetine (20 mg.) for fibromyalgia. I have a high sensitivity to medication eg 5mg of amitriptyline can make me groggy for 3 or 4 days. I already have dry eyes and mouth, acid reflux, insomnia, IBS symptoms and I have recently tested positive for Coeliac disease. I am also chronically exhausted and have balance problems. - All of this is without taking Duloxetine.
I have no other treatment plan but have been referred back to Pain Management after 3 years and will be referred for Psychiatric support as it has been 20 years and I am now not able to work, and in lieu of pain medication which did not work in the past.
I have been prescribed it because the Occupational Health physician for my ex-employer who is assessing me for early retirement on the grounds of ill health now says I would improve within 18 months if I tried it. So my GP has had to prescribe it to prove otherwise. Has anyone found this so? Does anyone have any advice?
My half pay from current employer ends on 13 April and they will not keep me so it has now become urgent. Please can anyone help by letting me know if they have had an experience similar to above?
Thank you, Max