Here we go again. Several times in the last few weeks. Well now really ill again. All abdomen and stomach swollen, sore going thro to back. Nauseus. Managed to see a doc. took urine sample. Said no infection but would send it off for further analysis. Gave me antibiotics for a week ? UTi. Four days in feeling worse. Numbness and tingling in hands, feet and lower legs. No improvement in uti. Rang surgery re stopping tablets. Nurse said she would contact locum and get back. She did. Said I could change tablets but thy would have other side effects. Said OK I would perseveer. Another day in and i couldn't. Rang 111 Doc on line questioned me and told me to go to doctors within next 2 hour. Got appt. Doc changed antibiotics for another 5 days and gave me laxatives. Still feeling dreadful been up all night, nausea., retching still no bowel movement. Dare'nt take laxatives as when i checked I had them before and made me very ill. husband has dementia and although worried is very little help.Don't know where to go next. To A & E will it be the same tale, as it is bank holiday. Don't know whether to continue with tablets or stop. Honestly think I am dying. Suffering badly with anxiety and stress. Any comments would be helpful.Thanks.
Need Advice: Here we go again. Several... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Need Advice

Totally agree with Ajay575 - get to A&E, see whether suppositories or enema possible rather than tablets but keep hydrated too - lots of water
Try not to panic or stress out too much - silly of me to say as I know full well how bloomin' hard that is to do
I also understand the fear of taking tablets you know will cause more problems
So advice .... A&E as soon as you can, severe long term constipation is a problem in itself or can cause other issues
take care
Ann xx
Yes, like other people have said, please go to a and e. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
It is obvious you have issues than require investigation. A & E sadly will just patch up and send you on. When the GP reopens get appointment tell them you need some referral made as urgent matter. Blockage in the bowel can be serious. As for being a carer also emergency cover can be sorted by GP/social services if need arose. Look after yourself!
Hi ShelWhitt sorry to hear you are suffering so much, l am suffering with similar symptoms but l have got diahorrea some of the time and urine is dark and smelly, l never. Thought it is something to do with Fibromylagia l am stuck indoors as have had bowel accidents, l hope you get sorted soon gentle hugs XX
A & E admitted me with severe vomiting and like you vomiting and bloated. It was caused by my gallbladder but yours may not be the same. Please don't wait though lovely get yourself admitted.. they can't send you home poorly x
Hello ShelWhitt
I am so sorry you are feeling this way and also suffering anxiety. I completely understand that you are concerned as to why you have this pain and what could be causing your symptoms.
However, I feel that the best advice I can suggest is try not to jump to the worse case scenario (as mentioned colon cancer) until you’ve had tests and examinations.
Your symptoms should similar to a condition many people have with Fibro called Interstitial Cystitis (painful bladder syndrome)
Here’s some information for your interest, although I’m no DR but I have suffered with this too so sound similar
If it is IC, I find Apple Cider Vinegar (dose teaspoon in water) in the morning (if no stomach ulcers) or Cranberry juice, water, coconut water/milk and hot water bottles. Anti biotics do not always work for this condition which may be why your not getting any relief. Also I was told to ensure I’m emptying bladder each time you go, this can be done simply by leaning forward at the end. Sorry if TMI
Also, if constipated you will need to take some form of laxatives - are they any over the counter you are OK to take until the GP surgery opens tomorrow?
I sincerely wish this calms down soon and the DRs are able to let you know what they think is the cause of your discomfort,
Please try not to worry as anxiety can aggravate many conditions and make you feel awful. I know it is easy to say don’t worry but maybe look into some relaxation techniques that work for you. X
Thanks Mdaisy. I feel a bit better for that. I intend to get a different laxative when I get an opportunity. Anyone recommend a GENTLE ONE. We are not driving at the moment and local chemist not open as its BH. It's during the night my anxiety kicks in, so lack of sleep as well. It might be irritable bowel after all and I've been worrying unnecessarily. Still 2 days antibiotics left.. I will provide an update when I have one. Thanks again.X
Have you ever tried Movicol or Laxido ? Hope you feel bette soon - do keep us posted
Thought i had posted an update but can't see it. So here goes with my update. Finished antibiotics in worse pain than when i started. Didn't hear from Doc. so this morning rang 111 again.On duty doc rang me back. Asked details. Reported that she had my urine result and all was clear. Suggested i make a further appt. with GP for possibly further tests. Got appt. on 13th September. Sorry to be a pain but has anyone else had similar problems as me with fibro. I seem to accumulating new symptoms every day. Latest tingling and numbness in hands, feet and lower legs and parasthenia,(i think they call it) like creepy crawlies climbing all over left side of face and neck. Also Mdaisy did you get really bad flank pain/ache and weakness on hips and thighs with interstitial cystitis.
Lots and lots of water. Fruit and veg every day. Short term use of Laxido. . Hope it resolves soon.