Hi guys need some advice???? I’ve just got a date for my assessment for pip next Thursday. It is really stressing me out🤯!!! I’ve gone through an assessment 2 years ago and was turned done after the assessor gave me no points on mobility. I appealed it and went through a tribunal and was awarded the high mobility and middle care. But now I have to go through this s**t again!!!! I’m so feed up having to prove my pain. As if anyone would want to b in pain. I would love to b able to go back to work and not have to go through this and depend on it! It’s so good to b able to get some advice from people who know what ur going through. Xxx
Need advice for an Pip assessment!!! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Need advice for an Pip assessment!!!

How are you feeling this morning??
One bit if advice I got was they will ask you a question and then further down will ask the same thing again to see if you give the same answer. They did this to me but i was ready,, ha ha!!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
First of all. Try and take someone to support you who knows your day to day struggles. Everybody likes to look their best but go to the F2F as you would normally dress. They will talk about good and bad days. In my case I simply said I do not have good days. Just bad days and some better days where I am not taking medications for breakthrough pain. My logic was take how can anyone taking this amount of medication be having a good day. Obviously they will talk about your normal day. Be honest and state what you can do once. However ensure you tell them that you must break down jobs and do them over a longer period of time to try and avoid flairs. Tell them about all difficulties from getting out of bed to washing and dressing. Just because you do not get help at this time does not mean you do not help. Remember that any physical task must be able to done without pain, safely and repeatedly. You can refuse to do any part of the physical exam if they do not meet the criteria. From memory my wife only did three of the 10. Try to avoid yes or no answers. They may say can you walk 100m. Be honest but instead of saying yes. Say I can only do it once. You would need rest periods to stop extreme pain and you would only be able to do it once due to how repeated walks would have an adverse effect the next day. Think about everything you do. They may ask do you clean. Again be honest but explain how you do a little bit, rest do a little more and rest again. Yes you may be able to clean but you need 3 hours to complete a task that a normal person would do in 20 minutes. Same again with washing your hair or even dressing. Think how long it takes you. Explain about pacing, breaking down tasks etc. They asked my wife what happens if you cannot clean. She said if both of us are in flair it does not get done or my son will help us. Most people do not like to admit they are struggling but if you have PJ days because it hurts to much tell them.
I literally got my letter today to say that I need to go for an assessment for my PIP claim, and have been bricking it all morning about how it will go and if they will believe that what I experience is real! Your advice has eased my mind so much as to how I can word things to fully make them understand my situation! Thank you so much!
I just read ur post I have my PIP assessment next Monday I'm really dreading it but needs to be done I've taken on everything you've said and it really helped thanks
Just to say, best not to say bad and ‘good’ better days as they view these as symptom free and like a healthy person would feel. Better to say that pain, fatigue etc (your Fibro symptoms) are always present but can be mild, moderate or severe depending on activities of daily living, stress etc (whatever makes you flare and worsen symptoms)
Hope this helps
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I hope you have a very pleasant day xx
Oo thank u so much I’m new to this lol. Thanks for let me know. X😊
I've got my pip appeal tomorrow
Its took 50 weeks to get to this stage
I'm dreading it and feel everything I said was dismissed at assessment
I feel that because I work they don't think i need care at all but this is under an occupational report but in daily constant pain too
and I like to feel that I am contributing in some way as much as it isn't a lot
Any advice for tomorrow really appreciated