Feel like am falling down a deep hole - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Feel like am falling down a deep hole

Fibrojo213 profile image
8 Replies

i was diagonsed with fibro last year and struggled to come to terms with it but was ok then my mum passed away in feb and im spiraling mentally and physically my depression has gotten worse i failed pip because im not on enough medication (my doctor doesnt want me on anything that can turn me into a drug addict) my pain seems to have increased my tearful episodes are getting worse and im waiting on a reconsideration and scared my uc will get cut off to i live alone i cared for mum have no friends and got to go to medical alone got to the point i dont care whether i win or lose dont know what i can do is there anyone that can help

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Fibrojo213 profile image
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8 Replies


It's so hard and heartbreaking when you lose someone who you were very close to. You are in my thoughts and prayers. MyDexter is write, go back to your drs, see if you can see someone else and yes, see if there are any clubs that you can join. It might help you get back into the community and also make new friends. Please take care. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Sue_64 profile image

Oh sweetheart I really feel for you it's so hard when you've no one to support you and losing your mum is so tough. I was turned 50 when I lost my mum in 2004, she'd had a disability from birth and battled bipolar most of her life so I'd cared for her from 10 years old but she supported me through 2 broken marriages and having a baby at 18 years old. I still really miss her and wish everyday I could spend one more day with her. I don't have any friends and my daughter stopped speaking to me 7 years ago. I do have my Husband of 34 years but I miss having girlie chats. If you want to private message just to have someone to chat to and vent your feelings, it's fine, you'll see I am following you. Take care of yourself as best as you can, give yourself time to grieve, use gel creams, hot water bottles or a wheatbag do you have a TENS machine, wouldn't be without mine and try to get out for a gentle walk, exercise helps pain and depression. Sending all my love and prayers 🤗🤗🤗xx Sue

Fibrojo213 profile image
Fibrojo213 in reply to Sue_64

i hurt all the time sue an this sounds harsh but hate being round people mentally im not in a good place and dealing with the dwp as well as investigation team at the police im fed up people thinking im not in pain all the time they assume and a struggle to explain myself while at these dwp apps i find it hard to fight for my benifits .... ofcourse i wanna have my own house job kids ... normal life but feel like a scrounger

Fibrojo213 profile image

thank you dexter .... iv no one ... im alone stewing on it im scared they wont pay any notice because im young i felt that pip didnt even care im loosing all my fight in me am scared to admit but i think im at rock bottom am only 29 the dwp just think because i look ok that i am i dont even understand the feeling of giving up on everything i have an its hard to explain it im scared that once im down i wont get back up im dealing with so much since mum died of medical neglect my grandma died 4 months before it my mum was my rock n now i feel im slipping and i cant hold on

LeighBlyth profile image

Big virtual hug (not too hard, I know it hurts to be squeezed!)

You are not alone, people here understand and will be here for you.

Don't hold back the tears. Cry and scream if you need to. Let some of the tension go and forgive yourself for not feeling well, it's not your fault.

I was depressed. Suicide was a constant option in my mind, I guess I didn't want to die since I'm still here, but I wanted it all to stop. My brain so overloaded with pain signals, the exhaustion, the despair.

My pain had a physical cause, overstressed muscles, tensions all over my body.

I feel so much better now because I've learned to balance my body (and the knock-on effect of calming my mind) by focusing on my Base-Line muscles. (Pelvic floor Base, rectus abdominis Line). I really believe this is the key to better health for so many that suffer.

If you click on my profile you'll see some of my story.

Clarrisa profile image

So sorry to hear you lost your mother. I felt I lost my world after my own mother’s death too. She seemed to always have all the answers. I felt I was all on my own too afterward. My health took a tumble. I began writing about her. I wrote about her for years & years even though I am not a writer at all. But it seemed to help me.

I started out with a chapter on her childhood. In order to do that I ended up going to a nearby Latter Day Saints Family Research Center to confirm some genealogy points. I met nice people there & continue to work on the story of my mother at their center to this day.

My mother had taken up painting for a few years following her own parents deaths & that is what I based my writing of her on. I even wrote poems about her even though I know virtually nothing about poetry.

My sister planted a memorial garden for my mother in her yard. A brother has taken up growing tomatoes every year just as my mother did. Another brother got a black dog. My mother had a black dog. I think another sister took up reading more books. My mother had worked as a book seller (I had little contact with my siblings until years after my mother’s death).

You will find your own unique way to weave what has been into what is now your life. You have started on this journey already by reaching out to us. We want to be of help & comfort to you. You will navigate these uncharted waters slowly but surely finding your own special healing way. Take care Fibrojo, keep in touch.

YASMINTINA profile image

healthunlocked.com/fibromya..., hello there, it is very tough for you to lose your mum and then getting this diagnosis as well. healthunlocked.com/fibromya..., I’ve posted a link , there is also a helpline open during the week you could ring for some much needed advice. Nobody wants to give up a job but your health and well being comes 1st , could you go back and see your doctor to find ways of receiving some meds to help you , depression can take hold and doctor can regulate something helpful to try and help you through this difficult period in time. My thoughts are with you, there are some lovely members here that you can chat too and relate to what you are going through right now . Xx

brightnbreezy profile image

Fibrojo213, Firstly, I'm sorry you are feeling so awful, and I'm sure you must be missing your mother - one always does, even if it is just the wobbly sense that there is now no-one older in the family to rely on, or turn to. If I may, now, can I advise you to change doctors. Find one that is more interested in how you are feeling. My doctor has given me tramadol, naproxen, sertralene (which also helps with low mood), and just now, pregabbolin (think that's how you spell it) all for pain. The last also for trembling and involuntary movement. Paracetamol also gets sandwiched here and there in between. I use many alternative things as well, with a lot of research on line, just to try to help myself, since I like to use drugs sparingly. That's just me. I have also found it necessary to change surgeries so that I could find a doctor I can work with. Once you have found the individual who wants to help you, this will also contribute to a more up-beat confidence. Then you will have whatever it takes for you to push yourself to join clubs - gardening, WI (if you are a woman), and the U3A are marvellous with what they offer. If you are not old enough for that yet, there are always yoga, pilates, and such groups where I have met lovely people. Just some ideas you might like to mull over in your mind. I also live alone, and have found that one just has to be brave and be a joiner even if one does not want to. If you want to try something, in the meantime, I take 'spatone' every day, as well as 'cherryactiv'. Both very strengthening. The first can be found in Holland and Barrett, the second on Amazon. Just an idea. I hope these ideas may be of some use to you or inspire you to find those ideas most helpful to you. Hugs for now.

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