Hello everyone. Does anyone get pain in their lower abdomin that feels like a constant dull ache? I suffer from anxiety so not sure if it's ibs or something more? Thank you
Lower abdomin pain: Hello everyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Lower abdomin pain
If this is a new symptom do see your GP and don't be fobbed off with them saying its anxiety related(they love doing that) until you have been examined properly. We all get some very varied symptoms but as I say get checked out xxx
Hi there
I agree with Lou. You should get any new symptoms checked out by your GP.
If you are not experiencing any very bad cramping and/or diarrhoea it is unlikely to be IBS.
A hot water bottle can sometimes be quite soothing for that sort of pain.
I hope you start to feel a bit better soon.
Lu xx
Hi Chanz5
I am so genuinely sorry to read this my friend, and I agree with your other respondents and get this checked out? Just to have other medical conditions ruled out of the equation.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi Chanz5 how funny I have been getting a similar sort of ache too. Feels different from the crampy/knotty kind of pain I sometimes get which I associate with IBS, also a bit higher up, feels more stomach than gut. Have docs appointment on Thursday (when I booked it it was 10 days away 😳) Booked the appointment about my eczema but this has cropped up in the meantime. Will let you know how I get on.
Krissy 😀
Thank you
Hi again Chanz5 I'm pleased to say doc was understanding, he checked my abdomen (although it was quite sore when he checked it, bit like having the tender points checked at the Rheumatologist). More blood tests and he will refer me for a scan. He did say it could be a bug but best to test, and to take probiotics, ones with 20 billion bacteria.
Oh good well I'm glad to hear you on the mend