I have Severe pain in my hip, leg, an... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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I have Severe pain in my hip, leg, and lower back.

jamiemcl profile image
33 Replies

I'm at my wits end at this point. This all happened when I felt a twinge from kneeling down to tie my shoe. I know this isn't the cause, but it's how it started. I have a job that has a lot of manual work, but it never bothered me before.

Basically I have a lot of pain in my right hip and it shoots down my entire leg. Most painful being in my hip and above my ankle. It feels like something it tightening my muscles and very difficult to find a comfortable position at all.

I walk like I soiled myself, hunched over with a cane, even walking it very painful. I believe that caused my lower back to be in pain and now my shoulders are beginning to get sore from dealing with this for over a week. I've been in and out of the hospital without any success. They don't seem to understand what is going on. From thinking it was Sciatica, Piriformis Syndrome, and ITBS. All which I've done plenty of walking (though painful) and excerises constantly to get better along with 3 prescription drugs that aren't working at all.

I've never been a depressed person but this has really starting to spiral me down rather quickly. I'm desperate for any kind of help at this point for some relief. If anyone has any tips or ideas to what this may be or how to help get rid of it, I'd be incredibly thankful.

I'm a 20 year old, I shouldn't be in this condition.

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jamiemcl profile image
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33 Replies
Pharmgirl profile image


im new to this forum but just wanted to say I don't have any real answers but am suffering exactly the same and it feels like electric shocks and is worse upon sitting or standing still for a while. I am seeing pain doctor next week so will see if i can get some advice and let you know :( x

hamble99b profile image

are hot water bottles helping? they may, as might a gel such as voltarol or ibuleive -but check with your gp or pharmacist first.

Badass2469 profile image
Badass2469 in reply tohamble99b

Do you really think a hot water bottle will help it I have had the same thing happen to me and it's in my leg and my hip

jamiemcl profile image

Thanks a lot. I'd be interested to know what you may find out. It seems like we do have the same kind of symptoms. It's been going on for over a week now with all the different treatment methods I've been trying without success. I haven't used hot water bottles, but I've been using this heating pad on both areas, along with switching off with ice. Hope you get better too, this pain is terrible!

GrumpyG profile image

I get bouts of this in my right hip down to my toes. It's relentless with the pain but what I've found extremely helpful is a Tens machine. I borrow my mums which was purchased from a well known pharmacist and it's battery operated so you can clip it on to your waistband and do your normal every day stuff. Hope you get some relief xxx

Ginsing profile image

Morning I am a sufferer just like you my lower back is now shot and I have constant pain down legs an into feet as well as lympodema coming up the other way. I am so sorry yours has started so yourg Do you degenerative disc disease I am afraid apart fro you taking care I know tat is all you can do. Warmth is good cold bad. Never sit or stand or lie to long it sets us in one position. It is not much fun with fibro aswell but keep your head we are always here if you need a chat and you can PM me if you want xxgins

Paula65 profile image
Paula65 in reply toGinsing


I have just come across ur post, I have degenerative disc disease and fibromyalgia and the bouts of pain to say the least when waking is getting worst, would u say this is the DDD or the fibro for ages I have had a pain in my right hip that keeps me awake at night but this pain takes my breath away. I feel I keep getting fobbed off by doctors telling me it fibro and I feel it not, can u shed any light on it pleas3


moo196 profile image

Oh dear :-( I think a TENS machine may help - though have you tried osteopath ? Or acupuncture ? All of these have helped me with back/ sciatic pain in the past and dealt with the cause as well as the effect. Also wondered if a back belt/brace ( the type that pregnant women may wear ) would give some comfort ? The self-heating stick on patches were also useful.

Good luck :-)

jamiemcl profile image

Thank you everyone for all of these tips. There's a lot of stuff mentioned I haven't tried yet or never would have thought of if it wasn't for your comments. I really appreciate you all taking the time to help and will try out a few of these methods in hopes to get better soon. Thank again!

jillylin profile image


I'd go see your GP, it may be sciatica but you need to have an expert opinion. I get it myself and it sounds very similar to how I feel but, as I say, you need to speak to someone who knows for sure.



jamiemcl profile image

Finally got the results. It was caused by a herniated disc (4). If anyone else suffers from pain just like this I suggest talking to your doctor and asking for multiple ways to treat this. I know the treatment methods he told me may not be suitable for someone else. Thanks again everyone for all your help! I'll be out for a few months it seems if I don't do the surgery. I probably won't do surgery since my family has a history of having back pain and it might creep up to haunt me in the future.

jasmine7769 profile image
jasmine7769 in reply tojamiemcl

My Dr thinks its that too, I'm with you 100% of the way!!! Everything you mentioned I'm going thru, even sitting here right now, what did they say to do? I'm desperate at this point!!

kanchady profile image
kanchady in reply tojamiemcl

Hi Jamiemc, I think even I am suffering from a similar pain.. My doctor has also suggested some medicine and physiotherapy which doesn't look like are having any effect on me..

How long did it take for you to cure?

what is the treatment you have taken?

Lokahik profile image

Ive had this problem for over a year now with no help from anyone..... im 21 working construction in pain for sometimes 24 hours straight. Same symtoms as you. I look like an old man walking and just plain feel 60 cause of it.

newfy54 profile image

I have had similar issues. Veterans Admin implanted lower stents for blood flow, had MRI's, EMG, bone scan's, hip injections and every pain pill known to man.

I have hip replacement surgery scheduled for March 2014.

RoninRon profile image

My hip pain first started over 20 years ago, then went away after a few days until I had knee surgery. After that my left hip started to pain after a very short walk, then later my left hip.

Since then I have had both hips examined by 3 different specialists, and several X-ray and MRI’s done that all indicated both hips were normal. I also found out that I have arthritis in both knees now, along with spinal stenosis

Today I get around with a cane and a lot of pain. I have come to believe my problem is probably due to hip bursitis, and being overweight.

I tried hip injections, no help. So far the best thing that seems to help is to do my walking in a local heated 4-5 foot deep heated pool. I can walk for 20-30 minutes (forward, backward, and sideways) with no pain until (I leave the pool and gravity kicks back in).

Ice packs on both hips also seem to help. So for now my goals are to hit the pool 2-3 times a week for at least 20 minutes, do ice packs weekly, and to loose some weight.

I get this pain almost daily - its from an annual tear in a disc in lower spine to gether with facet joint arthritis. I'm afreaid its really down to physio, exercise and weight loss, for me eventually the surgery to remove part of the disc but putting that off for as long as I can. Sheena x

fadi profile image

hello every one I have been suffering from same stuff for about a year and half now. And keep on getting thrown to .differrent speaclists. its not i have seen phisitherapist, chiro now waiting for fibro specialist and its there every single day. sick of it gone into depression. some good day some bad. i have no susggestions.tried evey thing nothing works

Angeebeas profile image

I have the same exact symptoms that you speak of and I'm 20 as well. It's so frustrating because I can't even sit in class nor drive without this uncomfortable feeling in my right leg. I have 3 herniated disk that have always affected me but not this bad. Where my hip and leg meet is where my pain is and this pain has been occurring for years but before I was able to crack my hip/leg and the pain would go away within a day. It's weird because that pain comes and goes with months in between, but this time it's different. The pain is so extreme that is send shocks down to my knee and down to the top of my foot. I've tried cracking it because it personally feels like it needs to be cracked, but nothing works. I'm truly scared to really crack is because I think it will severely put my back at greater danger so now I just need to go to the doctor. This pain is just so terrible and it's really taking a toll on my life. I feel so helpless especially being so young but feeling 60 with enormous pain.

UnComfy222 profile image

Hi! I'm 17 years old and I'm having those hip pain like yours and now that started exercising here at home I always feel it whenever I do my ab workout. If I'm going to the hospital what kind of doctor should I look for? Thanks :)

magnetta profile image

You poor thing, sounds horrid.

Have they tried you on any medication for the stuff you mention above?

Anti-inflammatory - naproxen etc

Nerve pain - amitriptyline etc

Analgesic - tramadol etc

Anti-depressants- citalopram etc

Maybe worth researching:

TENS machine hire




I have heard that for back pain you should alternate between hot and cold - hot water bottle and ice pack. Worth a try!

Good luck x

AngieS01 profile image

Have you found out what is causing your pain? I've been having the same symptoms and my Dr is telling me that it's me sacroiliac joint. Doing physical therapy now for it and if that doesn't help then surgery. I hope you've gotten some answers!

raneah62154 profile image

I have been suffering the same way for years. I am 61 now and in a wheel chair and taking hydrocodone, using a tens unit and hot water bottles to help with pain. I have went to a lot of different doctors but none of them could figure out the problem. I finally went to Cleveland Clinic, Main Campus and they compared my MRI with 2 more of earlier years and told me that I have Spondylolisthesis and they booked me for surgery to fuse my spine back in place on Dec. 1st of 2015. One of the vertebral bones slid forward down over top of the one below it and is pinching the nerve at L5 causing pain from my lower back, sharp pain in my hips down to the ankle. It started in the right side and pain is now starting in the left hip and ankle. Toes on left foot have electrical shocks hitting them sometimes. It feels like I have a sharp knife or hot poker sticking in my hip and ankle and electrical shocks hitting in lower back. Suicide has been on my mind for a while now but I was determined to find out what was causing the pain. Thank God I found out about Cleveland Clinic. I sure hope this info helps you. I am no longer thinking suicide but looking forward to getting this surgery done. Look Spondylolisthesis up on the internet. There are more then one cause for Spondylolisthesis. It can also be congenital. My legs have been hurting me real bad since I was 5 years old so I think mine is congenital. My mom put me in the hospital when I was in the first grade but could not find out what was wrong, but they had no MRI xrays back then either. The doctors really don't like putting me to sleep for 3 hours for the surgery because I am on oxygen for emphysema. My lungs are real bad and I have a lot of trouble breathing especially when trying to move around and be active in any way. I hear that the pain is terrible right after surgery and takes about 3 months to be able to get back to a normal life but takes about one year to completely heal. If i live through surgery, I will get back on here and let everyone know how everything goes .

DanCopper profile image

I'm 29 years old just recently had this problem come back, cant stand up straight feel like I'm 80 yrs old can't sleep good unless I get totally wasted(I don't really like to drink tho). I can't even push out a turd without my hip feeling like its gonna pop out of socket. A few yrs back I had the same exact problem for about a year. Went skiing 1 time and it cured me instantly until I came back recently. After the first time when I was cured I started doing lots of physical activities even competed in marathons. I was just so excited to be able to move like a young person again. These days I have an oil field job and this pain is making me absolutely miserable I want to try skiing again but unless Oil Prices go up I am barely scraping pennies to get by. You gotta do as much activity as you can to get thru this butt be careful not to do movements that hurt. I tried popping my hip to relieve some pressure OMFG THAT WAS A BAD IDEA.

Cat-63 profile image

I have DDD, have had surgery on my neck, and also have arthritis in my spine. I have been having horrible pain in hips and groin area, that goes down both legs, in my knees, ankles and feet. Percocet, muscle relaxers, and antiinflammatory meds are not helping! Sitting in a hot bath helps for a couple of hours, but then the pain comes right back. I get sciatic pain down butt cheeks and in the sides of my outer thighs, have dealt with this pain and numbness for years. I am 52 years old. But this other pain that started about 2-3 months ago is taking a huge toll on my life. Sometimes I feel as though I just can't handle this pain a moment longer. Can anyone tell me if they believe it might be caused by arthritis or by hip problems or something else?? I have appointment with neurosurgeon in 1 month. Also I am scheduled for an MRI on neck and one on lumbar spine. I can't sleep for the pain, can't stand without crying for more than a few minutes, and now my pain management Dr. told me he cannot write a prescription to replace my tens unit which has stopped working. The tens unit would help with pain when I used it before. Now my pain management Dr. says a tens unit is only used as a trial experiment. Has anyone heard about this? I have been using my tens unit for 10 years. This just doesn't make any sense to me! Please, please someone tell me something. Sorry for the really long post! May God bless you all!

Uniquelady36 profile image
Uniquelady36 in reply toCat-63

I've been dealing with this same problem for years. It started with my mid back to lowers back 6yrs ago. Now about a year ago, I started to have bad pain in my hip down the whole side of my right leg. Now it's starting to happen in my left leg too. But now it's so severe I can't handle it anymore. I've been getting treated for about 2-3 yrs with my pain management Doctor. I'm so sick of taking pills and having injection that only help for 3 days. I stopped the epidural injection. I feel so depressed most of the time of being in so much pain every single day that's just getting worse everyday. And also about your Doc not being able to write any script because the 10's aren't working is a total lie. She / He, should now put you on a 20mg pain killer. After taking meds for so long your tolerance builds up. So that's when they should up your dosage. I would find another pain management Doctor. I hope you are able to get the help you need. I've been going around in circles with what's wrong with me and what's gonna help. I'm so sick and tired of dealing with this pain everyday. It has changed me as a person. I'm so depressed and feel like there's no hope at time. I wish I had a new healthy body. I'm 36 yrs old.

Lolabob profile image
Lolabob in reply toCat-63

I can also relate to you with all the problems that you have I had surgery on my neck fusion. DDD arthritis on my spine. Now I had an accident 2 years ago car accident and recently for the past I say six months my hip my hip been hurting their pain and my buttocks the nerves going down my legs they said it's a sciatic nerve I guess from the accident I don't know. I can't walk without a cane. Toss and turn all night can't lay on my side. In my legs just ache and ache so I can relate what do you do for all this like I said this most of this happened after my car accident.

Grammie9 profile image
Grammie9 in reply toCat-63

You can buy a tens on line

Trina86 profile image

I have severe pinching pain in my lower back any time it is touched our my husband tries to massage it and other than that its just a steady throbbing pain and also in my hip down to my knee and then from my knee down to my foot ots numb and I cant feel anything some days but other days its pain from the knee down as well as mr right hip and lower back and its a throbbing pain like it feels like its my bones that hurt and all day today my hip kept cracking and it hurts so bad right now and my doctor has tried me out on 4 different pain meds so far and nothing is helping at all with the pain and as the days go by it seems its getting worse n worse and they cant figure out what's wrong with me and until they do which is taking forever I have to continue to deal with this pain cause our govenor passed this knew rule saying someone has to he diagnosed now before they can give out narcotics for pain which omis in someway good cause of all the drug addicts but in another way it's bad for the rest of us that aren't drug addicts and are in severe pain!! I don't know what this could be but it would be awesome to find out finally cause its been about 7 years since it first started and the drs just cant seem to get their shit together and its pissing me off cause this pain os horrid!!!! Does anyone know what thid could be??? And real doctors out there??

Lolabob profile image
Lolabob in reply toTrina86

I may not be a doctor but I can relate to what you are going through. The pain is just horrible. I know I have a pinched nerve in the C7 which causes a lot of pinching in my back. And if sciatic nerve for my lower back down there's numb tingling the pain in my legs and my hips it's just like you said horrify. My pain clinic is doing is giving me meds therapy and that's it none of it is working if you can come up with something please let me know for the solution thank you God bless

Shradhapuri profile image

Hello friends I have also the same problem from 6 years ,showed 12 doctors but no solution please help, now I have no patience to continue this pain sometimes I also feel to suicide.

Grammie9 profile image
Grammie9 in reply toShradhapuri

Never ever give up but pain is unbelievable I check these posts in hopes of someone coming up with a mircle

Courtne07 profile image

I am 14 years old and i am in esactly the same pain but the foctors just say im over reacting

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