Zomorph and oramorph: Hi I'm new to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Zomorph and oramorph

smiler66 profile image
24 Replies

Hi I'm new to this site....I've suffered with fibro for 8 plus years I've tried and tested many medications over the years but recently my doctor put me on zomorph 10mg twice daily plus oramorph in between if and when needed I finally ease from my pain if not a little drousey ....has anyone else tried this medication ? Woul

d like to know of there experience

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smiler66 profile image
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24 Replies
annacruachan profile image

Hi Smiler66 and welcome.

I have never heard of oramorph or zomorph but they sound similar to the oxynorm and oxycontin which I was given when I had my knee replacement. Both are morphine derivatives so managing the dose is critical.

I hope someone on here has used these drugs and can give you their opinion.

In the meantime I wish you a pain-free day.

Gentle hugs,


punkypolly42 profile image
punkypolly42 in reply to annacruachan

The oramorph isn't as harsh or as dangerous as the OxyContin, I was on OxyContin for a while. I would advise for no one to accept fentanyl patches as there hurrendous.

I hope this helps take care gentle hugs

tracypom profile image

Yes I take zoromorph 130 mg twice a day, I did have the liquid oramorph but I hated how it made me feel, so I take the zoromorph and naproxen now

smiler66 profile image
smiler66 in reply to tracypom

Thanks I was on naproxen for years but eventually caused a bleed on my stomach causing me to be severely anaemic so docs changed me onto zoromorph on a low dose which up to now isn't really helping that much so topping up with oramorph which makes me feel very sick

Lisabackprobz profile image
Lisabackprobz in reply to smiler66

hi there I do too but I get given an anti-sickness so I never feel sick with either of them n wife asked the doctor for ,hope this helps

tracypom profile image
tracypom in reply to tracypom

Yes I didn't like the oramorph either, but I'm on a higher dose of of zoromorph and Ive been on it for a couple of years and it seems to suit me, I've tried lots of different tablets as I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 24 years ago and at the moment it seems to take the edge off so I can cope

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi there

I don't know if you have tried the Oramorph yet or not?

If not, it would be a good idea to try one 5ml spoon to start with to see how you go. This is a very strong medication and can make people feel very drowsy.

I certainly wouldn't take it if you are planning on driving anywhere afterwards until you know how you are going to feel.

I hope that these meds help to keep your pain under control.

Lu xx

taffy1958 profile image

Hi Smiler66,

I take both of these, zomorf 30mg twice a day. oramorph for break through pain. It has been a god send to me if we are sensible then it works well. Some days my pain is so under control i can get on with housework gardening etc. Hope that helps a bit. Good luck xxAnnxx

HADES profile image
HADES in reply to taffy1958

Yes Ann, I am on the same but Zomorph every 12 hours , interspersed with 10mg ev 12 hours. Works reasonably well most of the time. Like you I resort to Oromorph to help with bad spasms. I have worked through virtually all the standard menu but find this the best. Nice to hear of an ally. HADES.

bluebell99 profile image

I have morphine, (MST) at night and if feeling really bad have oramorph during the day for breakthrough pain. Fibro doesn't normally respond well to opiods so I guess a lot of my pain may be from my other illnesses

If you can, try a dry biscuit either side of taking the oramorph, something like a Ginger Nut, Rich Tea or Digestive really works for me.

I am aware morphine is very addictive but I have been taking it the last five years and not had to increase the dose or frequency, so I guess I'm managing fine. If you find it stops working at the dose you have been told, do not increase it without your doctor's consent.

You are lucky in a way that your doc prescribed these for you, a lot of doctors flatly refuse.

peck profile image
peck in reply to bluebell99

Hi bluebell99 , You seem to know what helps and use it in a responsible manner.Im on methadone for pain and percoset for break through pain.I have other pain besides FM but with my meds there are days I feel little or no pain. You are right , these days drs don't like to give these meds as I have been on mine for 8 years. Take care. Peck.🐤

smiler66 profile image
smiler66 in reply to bluebell99

Thanks for advice will defo give the biscuits a try

taffy1958 profile image
taffy1958 in reply to smiler66

Hi Smiler66, like Bluebell99 said try a biscuit or 2 if you can, i had the same thing i got really queasy but having learned from experience i now never take my meds now without a bikkie and a cup of tea as well lol x

peck profile image

I've not used this med but I do wish you the very best. Take care. Peck.🐤

TheAuthor profile image

Hi smiler66

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcoem to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted you a link below to our mother site, FMA UK which hosts loads of useful Fibro information:


I have never personally tried either of these medications but I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with them, and please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Grandma24and1 profile image

I've had oromorph, lovely for the pain but.......once it wore off, oh boy, I was left with what I can only describe as an awful hangover! So this drug is definitely a no, no for me.

I am on durogesic patches (75), pregabalin, duloxotine and oxycodone (10mg immediate release, for breakthrough pain), these are all for pain relief. Wish this all worked. Unfortunately still have chronic pain. 😞

But..............we are all different, so what works for one person, will not work for another.

Sending hugs to everyone. Hot weather arriving tomorrow. Hurrah!

Also lots of PMA!!! 😵 x 😵 x 😵 x

Maisie1 profile image

Think the problem with opiates are that the side effects are nearly as bad as the pain they are dealing with. Try to avoid them

pixiewixie profile image

I am on oromorph for breakthrough pain & morphine 30mgs ( MST), as well as many more. I could not have survived without these medications, they made life bearable. It takes a while to adapt to them, but as someone who has severe allergies to most drugs I have had none with these. In fact I only take oromorph first thing now to help me be able to get out of bed! Dear Smiler66 I can only say how I manage, I wish you all the best Pixiewixie

Hartleyhare2 profile image
Hartleyhare2 in reply to pixiewixie

I am like you Pixiewixie But recently upped my MST from 30 to 40 twice daily which has cut down on my oramorph use. I do have Tramadol and coycoMydol for lunchtime and during the night as well. I am still often bedridden and mostly house bound but this combination allows me out of the house and my lovely wife to take me for drives and appointments. I don't like the word addicted I prefer dependent on it to keep down the pain just as I'm dependent on insulin for keeping my sugars in line.

Patrick x

xLaydieeeBx profile image

Hi Smiler66,

Welcome to the forum!

Everyone has different experiences/side effects from medications. I have tried both of those medications, the Zomorph I found didn't do anything to help with the pain. But I found the Oramorph to be far more effective, the only thing is that I wake up each day feeling hungover and with a migraine that felt like my head was going to explode. I took as an absolute emergency as I really hated the side effects.

Take care,

Holly. x

punkypolly42 profile image

Hi smiler66 I'm new to this site too and I hadn't seen anyone else who took opiates. I take zomorph 90mg twice a day and oramorph as and when, I find they help me but I am also on 1500mg of gabapentin a day and paracetamol 4000mg per day. I don't have the drowsy feelings anymore as I have been on the opiates for quite a few years but it does help with the pain. I hope it continues to help you

Take care of yourself and wishing you some pain free times

Mackembabe profile image


I can not take any thing which is morphine based as makes me really sick and can't even keep water down just used to sit all day with a bucket by my side even a sip of water used to set me off, Dr just kept giving me stronger anti sickness tablets which didn't work, feel so sorry for him as he wants to help but as we all know nothing really touches the pain am now on Tapentadol 200mg 1 every 12 hours I have forgotten to take them sometimes and boy do you know it.

Heard something really strange apparently in the Sun paper someone told me that this is a procedure for taking away pain for Fibro you wrap a SNAKE round your neck yes that's right a SNAKE and its supposed to take the pain away, I think it would work as I would pass out snakes arghh don't like them.

Anyway try and keep on smiling it helps when you know there are so many people out there who know what its like

Makembabe :>).

Before I comment further, as a new member, I can wholeheartedly agree with the "biscuit" taking either side of medication, this has helped with the chronic Nausea a lot of people experience taking strong opiates. Diagnosed with Fibro after an industrial accident to my Spine 20 years ago, I had been prescribed every medication the Pharmacy had to offer, until 8 years ago when I was put on Oramorph Liquid, then a year ago Dr. added 40mg of Zomorph, slow release, twice a day to the cauldron, sometimes the pain became manageable enough to move about the house, but having recently had another fall, not even 120mg of Oramorph and the 80mg Zomorph DAILY have had any effect, Having built up a tolerance to both already, my Dr is offering either Spinal Surgery ( which some know has its own risks ). Or a month long in-patient stay with the National Pain Clinic with Surgery as a final resort. I was strongly advised NOT to be placed on Fentanyl patches, due to its overly addictive "Cocaine like qualities" ( I already wear a Transtec slow release Morphine Patch at 50mg/hour ) on top of the other 2 opiates, the highest doseage before Fentanyl. However with Fibromyalgia, a lot of fellow sufferers will have become aware of the multitude of additional illnesses, side effects this little understood Pain in the Ass can have on certain medications, what once worked may stop working overnight, or another side effect of Fibro with turn a working medication into something that makes you violently Ill ( with me it was Aspirin and Ibruprofen and Opiates, the one medication that was working, until that final fall. )

Catnips75 profile image

Hi,I was put on Zomorph, 10 mg twice daily. They refused to give me oramorph in between when needed. I've got it to 20mg as 10 was like a sugar pill. 20 not much better, tho better than nowt. I've struggled to get it any higher, which I believe is cost n fear I'll become addicted (lol,was on co-codamolfor more 10 yes, think I'm already reliant! ). I'm going mad as am in pain 24/7 . They not believing me!!?

I have MS and complete blockages of my carotoid arteries (on my right ) . I have many problems including vertigo, arthritis, hypermobility, hypertension, IBS, the list goes on!! I don't know how to get better pain relief. I saw my GP last week, she won't go against what the chronic pain team suggests ! And they aren't helping me much tbh. I feel ignored and patronised.

I had my PIP tribunal on Friday, which thankfully I won! So that's a worry down lol. I didn't get anything so did the mandatory reconsideration. They only gave me care ,so we lost our car! I went to appeal and had my MP Sir Roger Gale as my representative. He said nothing but was there as he felt I'd had an injustice given!

The Zomorph made me a little dopy, but not much tbh. It isn't enough to help me in feel. I think it's a cost thing as well as a fear of prescribing to people who need pain relief! We will see as I have an appointment to see the advanced chronic pain practitioner on the 6th as I burst into tears when she wouldn't prescribe 30mg! In alot of pain which would floor many people.

Lynda xx

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