Zomorph- is it just me?: Hi I'm new... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Zomorph- is it just me?

TopBird profile image
36 Replies

Hi I'm new here. Wondering if anyone takes Zomorph and finds it useless? I've been put on it by my Gp 60mg twice daily but all it gives me is stomach pain, I'm taking more oramorph than before! I'm wondering if there are any alternatives in the morphine spectrum that may be more suitable. Thanks for reading x

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TopBird profile image
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36 Replies
TheAuthor profile image

Hi TopBird

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted for you below a link to our mother site, FMA UK which hosts loads of useful Fibro information:


I was wondering if you were taking any of the drugs listed below as it could be caused by a medication interaction:

*MAOIs, TCADs, CNS depressants, cimetidine, opioid antagonists, rifampicin, muscle relaxants, antihypertensives, gabapentin, voriconazole, ritonavir, domperidone, metoclopramide, mexiletine.

The Contraindications to this drug are:

*Respiratory depression, obstructive airways disease, acute hepatic disease, paralytic ileus, delayed gastric emptying, acute abdomen, following biliary surgery, 24 hrs before cordotomy, acute alcoholism, raised intracranial pressure, head injury, coma, convulsive disorders, phaeochromocytoma. Pregnancy, lactation. Sust-release preps: pre-op and 24-hr post-op use.

If these symptoms persist or get any worse, I would talk to your doctor about them as Zomorph is quite a strong and addictive substance. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you


TopBird profile image
TopBird in reply toTheAuthor

Thank you for all that info Ken, I very much a-precise it. I've looked at the meds list and don't think I'm taking any of them. I'm going to talk to my GP later today. This is a very welcoming and informative site, thank you for having me x

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply toTopBird

Good luck my friend x

ljay2012 profile image

hi, I am currently weaning off zomorph, my doctor put me on it to reduce the amount of oramorph I was taking. However, soon after I started taking it my pain increased greatly and so did my depression. Hence why I now weaning off it. I'm not even sure it was working I've had no side effects whilst weaning, unlike all other opioits I've weaned from.

really hope this helps.

ljay2012 profile image


to answer your question about others, I've also been on oxycodone this well to start with, but then I became physically dependent on it and pain relief side no longer worked.

I found this drug really awful to wean from due to severe withdrawal symptoms.



ljay2012 profile image

sorry about spelling and missing words, my hands are really achey.

TopBird profile image
TopBird in reply toljay2012

Please don't apologise! Thank you for taking the time to reply. I hope you feel better soon x

Littlemole43 profile image

Hi topbird I completely understand where you are coming from, I'm in exactly the same situation I'm on 80mg of zomorph twice a day and go through oramorth more and more . I'm still in constant agonising pain and all my gp says is we have to get you off it , but no alternative. I'm seeing a pain specialist at the rivers private hospital and having nerve blocking injections on the 7th of March. I don't mean to be pessimistic but not holding my breath . They say there isn't anything else I'm also on 900mg gabapenthen and 1000mg of naproxen a day and 50mg of setraline still in pain .

jbgood7 profile image

Horrible all of them hardly work half the time what with depressionas an added bonus and horrendous withdrawa symptoms tried everything from all the cr@p your taking to heroin !!!

The only one that is not so bad is dipipanone/cyclizene 10mg/30mg

If you need to come off it's a breeze

But it is expensive £272 /50

I can say Iv never herd of it for fibro ?

1803sioban profile image
1803sioban in reply to

Hi jbgood,

I can not find much information on dipipanone although I do recognise cyclizine, which is for nausea and vomiting. It appears to be a narcotic. Does your GP prescribe it on the NHS or do you have a private prescription for it?

Thank, Sioban.

Charli93 profile image
Charli93 in reply to1803sioban

Cyclizine is used in the U.K. as an anti sickness. It's their most effective x

poppy04 profile image

Hi there. I suffer from FMS and osteoarthritis. 4-5 weeks ago I developed a very severe pain on my left knee and thigh,moving up to the groin and up to the hip...it reached a 9 on a scale of 10!! Out of hrs Dr prescribed Zomorph only 10mg twice daily... I felt no difference at all... In 2days time a locum Dr visited me,examined me as I was screaming from pain, and prescribed oramorph 2.5 ml 4times a day, I saw immediate relief... In order to go to hospital for x rays had to increase zomorph to 30mg a day, oramorph to 5ml and diazapam.. Now I am on 15mg zomorph,and back to 2.5ml 4tmes a day oramorph with occasional 5ml dose when flare... I am comfortable...however I believe some of the improvement is due to 6sessions of acupuncture,at home.. As u may know morphine is Highly addictive and I will ask to start coming off once I have been on it for 4-5weeks.. Very best wishes..xxx

TopBird profile image
TopBird in reply topoppy04

Hi poppy and thank you for your reply. Good luck with the acupuncture I think I may give it a try x

hjewest profile image
hjewest in reply topoppy04

Hello Poppy04

I understand what you must be going through and many others in this forum.

Sinds 4weeks after the Tramadol experience I couldnt take anymore and am following a different route.

I have been prescribed now Zomorph 30 mg twice daily + Oramorph 5 ml for breakthrough pain when needed but find instead of measuring 5 ml, I take a small swigg and come to the conclusion I am taking about 30 ml daily = 60 mg, so decided to increase the zomorph to 40 mg twice a day with little change and still take the same amount of Oramorph.

I understand that everyones pain treshold is different, but am wondering where its all going to end.

I started getting serious pain in my right hip when I was 63, Lost a great job and career at sea of over 40 years through it.

I take it(Zomorph), for Osteoarthiritis of the right hip and knee, and the pain vibrates from the groin area and the outside of my thigh toward my knee, and the constant clicking in my hip is annoying to say the least. I cannot take anti inflammatory drugs like Naproxen as I have a Pacemaker, nor can I have accupuncture because of that.

A hipreplacement is also out of the question because of a too high BMI..so stuck with what they come up with in tablet form, and it amazes me but am doubtfull though if every drug I have now been prescribed, actually reaches its final destination and does what it supposed to do.

Besides Zomorph and Oramorph it is Warfarin,blood anti coagulant for Atrial Fibrilation, Ibersartan for bloodpressure, bisoprolol for reducing heartrate and Sertraline for depression, and to be honest I am getting a bit sick of it all and wonder if all these are really necessary.

I get some comfort in reading in this forum abt yourself and many others with the same experiences which make me realize that I am not alone, Especially accepting and adapting to a complete different lifestyle and constantly being reminded of your pain which is always there, is hard to take.

I hope you, and many others on this forum will get sorted soon and that your/their medication will help to improve day to day living..

Y.N.W.A. ( you never walk alone)

Take Care/Henri

Neonking profile image

I have take 40mg twice a day problem with it is you don't get the qiick relief as you do with oramorph the slow release help keep the pain bearable but not gone ,

If you need more oramorph then you aren't on enuff mg of tablet

But please rember that opids have little or no effect on nerve instigated pain.

You could try tramadol

And all morphine can make you have upset tummy and bad bowel movements

Of course there is antisick pill you can take.

Hope this helps at least a little bit.

And yeah I get the cramps in my tummy and sick feeling from it

And I get relief from deep acupuncture

Linjack profile image

Hi Topbird I have been taking Zomorph for quite a while with no side effects.I started on a low dose for neck pain and when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia my dose was gradually increased as needed.I now take 3 x 10mgs in the morning and the same at night.It helps me with the pain and to sleep.Sorry you are having problems but lots of pills can give you stomach ache.I would speak to your pharmacist as they seem more knowledgeable than the doctor.Good luck.Limjack xxx

jackie4ball profile image

I have always taken MST on 50mg morning and night along with other pills I was given zomorph which is technically the same but a different maker and cheaper but for some reason it didn't agree with me so I told my GP I wanted the proper MST which I have had since and no problems I know I am addicted to it I still take oromorph if I have overdone things and need pain under control as it works quicker my Dr wanted to up the MST but I refused as I know if they up it my body will become used to the higher dose and it will need upping again. I've been on this for at least 20 years now if not longer I have gone cold turkey twice to come off to lower it and it is tough to do don't think I could do it again now I am older would have to be gradual one time went into private hospital in order to come off the put an epidural in my back stopped the morphine but the side effects didn't kick in until 5 days later when I was home and it was really horrible. So would always advise weaning off them very gently.

There was a new drug introduced called Palexia it was supposed to work on the nerves where pain is and stop it with no addiction side effects and no needing to increasing when I first asked my GP about it he said it could only be given by pain clinic but asked again about 18 months later but was given not the slow release when given it I did question the dr if I would have withdrawals from MST as I wouldn't be taking it at night he asked me if I thought I was addicted to it which seemed s stupid question to ask. As I had the normal pills I couldn't take them later found out they do come in slow release form so if anyone hasn't tried it may be worth a go if you can get them.

Loraine121 profile image
Loraine121 in reply tojackie4ball

That's interesting to know, but I am like you i know that I am addicted to most of the medication i take but i don't care as it gives me some quality of life most of the time, and i dont see any mirical cure in the near future that's why I am always reluctant to try different types of medication as when something works why change it , its only when I am in hospital and they don't know me or my history they think that they can make a difference only last year I agreed to try something else but ended up talking more tablets than I was originally. Lol

I stick with my GP he has know me for ever well not quite my family GP retired about 10 years ago but the one I have now new me as I would see him if i couldnt see own one so when he retire instead of going with his replacement i went with the one I have now.

Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Loraine x

Bethny profile image

I have been on Zomorph for quite some time I take 2 x 60mg twice a day as well as other pain medication as well as Oramorph. I suffer with chronic pain and besides Fibromyalgia I have Arthritis, Hypermobility syndrome and Lymphodema. I have recently had a fusion drip to try and help with the fibromyalgia pain it seems to have relieved a bit of pain in my toes. I often wonder if I had my Zomorph reduced would it make a difference or non at all. I struggle with everyday things and I don't know what to do

TopBird profile image
TopBird in reply toBethny

I'm so sorry you are struggling. I'm much the sameBethany I feel trapped and very low. I sincerely hope things improve for you very soon x

Carole-J profile image

Be careful I took Zomorph and my hair started to fall out, Zomorph can cause alopecia. I was also on morphine tablets and your body does get used to it and it craves more. I did cold turkey and that was horrendous, will never go back on it again. Good luck regards Carole Judge

TopBird profile image

Thank you all so very much for replying. I appreciate all your comments and will take them on board. I'm seeing my Gp today so hopefully I can talk these things through. I'm glad I found this site. It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope you're having are as well as can be x

millymoll profile image

yes I'm on Zomorph 100mg twice daily and no its not the right type of painkiller fibro pain is nerve pain and morphine isn't for nerve pain I have asked to be taken off it and given a more appropriate drug but I have to get off morphine first but I reduce it as much as I can but the withdrawels get bad and he wont give me anything to help so I'm stuck x

nannat76 profile image

hi topbird zomorph is a pharmecutical CHEAPER version of what used to be mst or aka morphine sulphate i know this my doctor recently changed my monthly perscription of mst to zomorph when asked why he said honestly its a cheaper version of mst for nhs patients i also to have oromorph but i try to avoid taking it only use it if that or hostpital stay so i take it only wen pain is 11 out of 10 . zomorph isnt that good on its own but if used together with a muscle relaxtent ie diazipam aka valium it can be a effective this works to some degree 4 me but every1 is different hope this helps hope you av a less painful day xx

TopBird profile image
TopBird in reply tonannat76

Thank you for your reply. My Gp changed me to MST yesterday. I'm going back next week for dose increase. It's sad that it's all about money and not care anymore in the NHS. I expect many folk would have a better experience with MST. I have some diazepam too so I'm going to try that along side the MST. Thanks again for your much appreciated advice. I hope your day is the best it can be xx

Charli93 profile image

I know this may not seem helpful but was put on zomorph 30mg every 12 hours in May and was finally able to drop my oramorph from 10ml every 4 hours to absolutely 0. So it may just not be working for your body. Taking more oramorph doesn't sound best in the long term so I'd get yourself back to them. I was told after that it's fentalyn patches but I'm too young for them. I hope you get sone answers and some meds that do a better job x

TopBird profile image
TopBird in reply toCharli93

Thanks for replying Charli I did go back to my Gp and got changed to a different brand of morphine with a view to increasing if necessary. My neighbour has morphine patches applied every 72 hours - they really stop any breakthrough pain, maybe an option for us in the future?

Wishing you the very best xx

Loraine121 profile image

Hi TopBird,

I am currently on zomorph, I used to be on mst but years ago was changed to zomorph same thing probably cheaper anyway dose increased to 120mg morning and evening as well as oramorph for top up or bad flare ups as well as other medication, gabapentin, diazapam the list is endless as I have breathing problems as well, anyway I reduced zomorph back down to 60mg morning and evening and oramorph changed to oxycodon and co- codamol, the doctor asked me to try the changes as they thought it would help with my breathing although I know that it doesn't as I had the breathing problems long before I was on any pain medication but I went along with them and agreed to try the oxycodon but they have reduced one tablet ( instages) but added another 3 regular ,co - codamol 3o/500mg 2 tablets 4 times a day and oxycodon hourly if I wanted. So I would hsve been as well staying the way I was as i was okay, it was just while I was on hospital the doctors there came up with this idea not my own gp who always looks after me,

You do notice the difference once you have stopped talking them , there are lots of different types of medication but we are all different and what worksfor one does not always work for another but you have to give them a try as some take a few weeks before you find any difference or how they react with other meds.

Good luck,

Loraine x

TopBird profile image
TopBird in reply toLoraine121

Thanks for replying Loraine. Your drug regime sounds like a nightmare! I do hope you are getting some relief! Thanks for your comments I really appreciate it.

I hope you are as well as can be xx

Loraine121 profile image
Loraine121 in reply toTopBird

Thank you, my day revolves around food and meds as some i have to eat with or im sick on top of that im still getting used to having the oxygen 24/7 , lol

Take care hope you have a pain free as possible sleep .

Loraine x

TopBird profile image
TopBird in reply toLoraine121

You too Loraine. My day is very similar for what it's worth, Im struggling living with this relentless unhappiness.. hold on to the good moments xx

Loraine121 profile image

Hi TopBird, I just thought I'd drop you a we post to see how you are coping now, did you have any luck with your gp the other day, if he had any other suggestions for you, I hope you dont mind . For some reason your posts popped into my head so I thought I would write just now or i would forget again, you know what its like. Lol

Ive been up to all sorts causing myself to have a flair up but coping with it and i have ordered my self a new mobility scooter on lease the my dla payments as I always buy second hand ones as they are just kept out side in all weathers, this one packed in on me the other day and I have already got the information from dla about leasing scooter or wheelchair so I just phoned the nearest dealer and they brought me some to test drive and I decided to treat me self.

Hope you have a pain free weekend

Loraine x

Blueunicorn profile image

I'm on 90mg x 2 a day and found it gave me excruciating stomach pain so I lowered the dose to 30mg x 2 a day stomach pain eased but back pain worse so I take or a morph and liquid keratin which doesn't do anything. Good luck

Blueunicorn profile image

Meant keratin not keratin

Blueunicorn profile image

Ketamin not keratin

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