Hi I need HELP as its taking every being in my mum (my full time carer) not to go to the assessment centre on Monday and tell off the Liar Assesser. I am very new on this platform and i thought I will come here and seek help. I am literally shaking and in so much pain after my mum read me the decision makers reasoning for awarding me 6 points for daily living and 4 points for mobility. Ok let me start from the beginning.... After suffering for 7 years with Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue syndrome, and Thoracic Lumbar Spinal Pain, i finally decided to apply for pip this year as my pains are getting worse to the point that my mum has to semi retire to take care of me and my two kids. I have always pushed through my pains and worked since i finished my university education in 2006 ... I am 32 years. I called on 9 June and received the pip forms on 15 June... due to pain and forgetfulness i only sent the forms first week of July... i received an appointment letter a week later for the 26th July at a centre very close to my home. On the assessment day, my mum literally had to drag me out of bed due to excruciating pain. We went there in a taxi and it took about 8 minutes. The driver was kind to stop infront of the centre abd i leaned on my mum all the time from the taxi to the reception where i had to sit down as there was someone before us. My mum helped me out to get up again and we were shown where the assessors were. I had to stop a couple of times before we saw a lady emerged from a room and asked my id and letter. My mum showed her and she told us to wait till she calls us back. About 3 minutes later she came back and called us in. My mum again helped me up and held my hand into the room. Immediately we entered the room i told the lady that i was in so much pain that i need to be comfortable. She seemed really nice and she said feel free to do whatever...
She confirmed my details and asked who my mum was. The whole assessment lasted about 25 minutes and i could only do one physical examination due to the pain... Also during the assessment i stood up twice with the help of my mum and she saw clearly that i was struggling... Now the decision arrives on 2 August.... So far the quickest PIP claim i have come accross. The decision maker is saying that i was observed arriving at the centre unaided which is 50metres..(LIES... I LEANED ON MY MUM ALL THROUGH WITH STOPS) ... Also she says i showed no signs of pain during the assessment (LIES ... I TOLD HER I WAS IN PAIN AND STOOD UP TWICE WITH MY MUM HELPING) .... She also stated that my medication isnt strong enough.... I TAKE Pregabalin 150mg 1x2 a day
NAPROXEN 1X2 a day
IBUPROFEN 400mg in the afternoons
Tramadol 50mg 2x4 a day
Codydramol 10mg/ 500mg 2x4 a day
Hydroxyzine hydrochloride 25mg 1 at night for sleeping
SERTRALINE 100MG for depression 1 night
Capsaicin cream 0.75 4x a day.... my mum spend about 20 minutes each application
I use tense machine which i took with me to the assessment and Actipatch and Medicated platers all pescribed by doctors Gp and Rheumatologists... which ialso showed to the lady. I listed all this on my form and my mum took my dossete box with us which was also shown. The assessor asked abt my meds and i told her my mum managed them and give themto me due to pain and fibro fog i forget to take them and i even have an app on my mums phone to remind her. Well she stated that i dont need any help with my meds and the were well managed and maintained so score 0. When I was completing the form, I misunderstood the use of toilet so i ticked no... i thought it was about passing stools.... so at the assessment i told the lady i misunderstood and said my mum helps me in and out same as bathing and showering. There again she stated that I dont need help and managed myself. She asked me if i work and i said Not at the moment as am currently off sick she went on and ask what i do and i said i am a HR Officer... i have been told thati have cognitive and intellect because i work as an hr officer.What has my job got to do with my disability??? And the worst is she asked if i drive and i said not at the moment due to blackouts. And she even asked if i have informed dvla and i said no it was my own decision to stop driving and besides the medications i take dont allow driving. Well the decision states that i can plan a journey because i am a hr officer and passed my driving test..whaat??? I passed my driving test 13 years ago.
Please what do i do? My mum is going crazy. She really wants to go to the assessment centre on Monday to cause trouble. I have called my grandmother to talk to her. I am in shocked how people who call themselves professionals can lie like this. Please help!