I am getting anxious as it’s my first pip claim applied in May got told 3 weeks ago in final stages just waiting for case manager to pick it up , yesterday I telephone to be told still waiting to be picked up but they have a dead line of 18th October to make decision. I asked the lady on the phone who was lovely could she see anything and she said she was looking but nothing no notes just that it’s still not been picked up yet. I have posted previously on this site and your reply’s were really helpful comforting as I feel like am just going to get rejected. I have had no face to face or telephone assessment .
new pip claim : I am getting anxious as... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
new pip claim

It's a very stressful time isn't it. Only a week to wait🫤
You can ask for a copy of the report and that should give you some idea of the points the assessor thinks you should be awarded, you do not need to wait for the case manager. That way once you are notified of your award you can be prepared for a mandatory reconsideration if that is necessary. Pays to be one step ahead as should you need an MR they do put time restrictions on to get the paperwork in.
I am a first time PIP i had a telephone appointment and after that it took a week to be granted it. But when i first applied to took a good while so i shouldn't worry x
Hello I have just telephoned again this morning regarding my claim .. they said that it is still awaiting the case manager to make final decision and that i had sent enough evidence to support the claim. So they felt no need to do face to face appointment / telephone assesment .so he said just got to wait and will hear by letter in post
The decision may be in regard to if you need an assessment of some short. To be honest first time claims rarely get awarded on paperwork alone. The good thing is that even if the pickup date is missed any awards given will be back dated. I was originally on DLA and then moved over to PIP and have not once have they managed to meet dates in regard to waiting times for action. My own personal feeling is that you will be given an assessment of some sort.
Hello I have just telephoned again this morning regarding my claim .. they said that it is still awaiting the case manager to make final decision and that i had sent enough evidence to support the claim. So they felt no need to do face to face appointment / telephone assesment .so he said just got to wait and will hear by letter in post
That is really excellent news. Hopefully you will hear their decision shortly. As I have said I have been in the system for many years. I have three chronic conditions which are all progressive. They know that I no that but still I get face to face. Hopefully you are one of the lucky ones who the system works for.
It will be OK no news is good news .hope it goes great 👍