Hi there could anyone tell me if it is normal to get sweats and chills when done some work
Hot flushes and sweats.: Hi there could... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hot flushes and sweats.

Hi there Spudster, I've had fibro for 4 years now, when I do any little job I'm dripping with sweat. I thought it was something to do with me going through the menopause, but not so as I get chilled like you even though my body is sweating. I'm now trying fluxatine as when I used it before it really lessened them. I don't know if they will work for you, speak to your GP about them. All the best Dianne51
Hi spudster, I too overheat very quickly when doing any work. My osteopath told me that we have trouble regulating our temperature because our muscles tense up because of pain and prevent adequate blood flow to regulate our temperature.
I often wake up in the middle of the night sweating but cold, ah the joys of fibro!
Thank you guys, my fiancée says it's like having flu like symptoms is that the same as you get. If so what do you normally do,rest maybe?
Hi Spudster
I get exactly the same symptoms as your financé. I get the hot and cold sweats at night.
Last night was absolutely awful. I was freezing cold, but the top half of my body was dripping with sweat and my top was soaking wet.
I cannot control my body temperature at all. I am cold pretty much all the time.
I guess I am "lucky" that I only get the hot and cold sweats at night if you can call that lucky.
Unfortunately there are no real cures for any of these things. It's all a matter of trial and error as each individual reacts differently.
It is like having the worst 'flu ever all the time.
I so wish I could offer you some advice as to what to do to help.
Wishing you both peace
Lu x
Volunteer Admin
I don't know if it's normal if not I'm very abnormal!! lol I sweat if I use the TV remote.I take 1 med. that I know can cause sweat.I don't know your age possibly menopause??
Has anyone heard of basil temp?? I read about it when I first was diagnosed with FM. Just crossed my mind Peck.😊
Yes I use to get that but I haven't had it since I did a big diet change not sure if it would work for everyone - I am gluten/wheat free minimal sugar and no process foods I mainly eat fish, white meats and lots of fruit and veg sometimes crave sweets but I feel rubbish the next day hope this helps
Ye I think so many of us have to deal with this it is though we have no temperature control so we are either freezing or boiling, nothing in between. I think also with the fibro and not being able to exercise like we used to we lose condition and that means any exertion takes alot out of us and causes sweating. Very unpleasant and I can commiserate. X
Hi Spudster
I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are experiencing this issue, and I also suffer with Hyperhidrosis and have this problem. I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck with finding the answers that you are looking for.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Funny you mention the flu, when I try to explain fibro to anyone I start with something like "imagine you have the flu, not a cold but full blown flu ........."
Hi yes it's horrible just hovering a room and doing a couple of dishes and my whole head is soaked that I look like I've just came out the shower the docs at endocrinologist said they could give me some lotion to rub into my scalp but there could be horrible side effects also it makes your hair a mess said no thanks I just try and stop after a couple of min then open the window wide while iam hovering as you know it's really uncomfortable and very embarrassing just another one of the weird things that happen with fibro take care x