help hot flushes: i am having hot... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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help hot flushes

13 Replies

i am having hot flushes when i enter somewhere warmer than 10 degrees. doctor won't help. going on a plane soon and petrified it will happen on there again. also rheumatologist diagnosed me then discharged me and told me to get on with it. is this normal please

13 Replies
ladymoth profile image

Nasty one this! I have had hot flushes for nearly 12 years and no sign of an end, but I have learned to manage them without medication.

A few tips which may help:

Always wear natural cotton next to your skin - synthetic fibres are your worst enemy! Layer up in cold weather, with cardis and jackets you can easily shed if you are hot.

Wear scoop necklines to leave your collar area bare. Fill in with a little wool or cotton scarf, which you can easily remove if you feel hot.

Don't worry about the 'plane - they usually keep the cabin temperature on the low side, anyway. Make sure you have a cold drink to hand - I find that a drink of ice-cold water will stop a hot flush immediately. Also, tell the cabin crew that you have this problem - they are usually only too happy to help out with some ice-packs.

Carry a little spray of Evian water - it helps if you put it in the fridge. If you start to feel hot, spritz your face with this.

If you are near a cloakroom, run cold water over your hands and wrists for a few minutes. This is very effective.

Make sure you always drink plenty. Dehydration will make you worse.

Try to keep your weight at a healthy level. Women who are overweight tend to suffer more with hot flushes.

I have found that taking some soya milk helps quite a bit, also that bergen bread with linseeds in it. These foods are full of oestrogen-like plant substances which will naturally help your body to adjust - they're good for you anyway, so well worth a try.

Above all, don't worry about it, and try to relax, getting worked up will make things much worse. Hot flushes are normal, if a bit of a nuisance, and people don't notice half as much as you think they do. If you have a flush on the plane, so what? Just relax, sip a cold drink and let it pass.

If these simple measures don't help and you are finding the hot flushes intolerable, then do go back to your GP.

Most doctors tend to be a bit dismissive of this problem (maybe because a lot of them are men?,) but there are effective medications which can be used.

Personally, I would give all the natural, simple remedies a good try first, as this is going to be better for you than taking lots of drugs.

Hope this helps, and please do look forward to your 'plane trip - life's too short too dread things which should be a pleasure!

Best wishes ...Moffy x

in reply to ladymoth

Thanks Moffy for your advice. I have tried the bread already but i had an allergy to something in it. I also suffer from asthma and lymphodaema. I understand about the drugs i really want to manage without as side effects are awful. I am waiting for cbt therapy but there is a 12 month waiting list on nhs and i can't afford private.

I will try out your other suggestions. Thank you so much

With regards x

linlit profile image

i take evening primrose oil that helps with my hot flushes and i also was discharged by rhumatologist when he diagnosed fibro and cfs

Ozzygirl64 profile image

I think Moffy said everything I could have said. Moffy, this is turning into a one lady show lol. I had them terrible due to the dreaded change. I do not take HRT as apparently this is too risky for me unless things get worse. But I am on Clonodine for it, it helps allevaite the sweats if nothing else. Has your GP done blood tests to rule out things like the menopause etc, or you may be too young for that. If the hormones levels are shwoing no change then there is not a lot they will offer you. As for rheumy, once they diagnose FMS there really is not much mor they can do and I too was discharged back to the care of my GP 22 years ago. I hope things calm down for you soon and all Moffys advice is great. I always read her replies first for fear of repeating anything lol xxxxx

ladymoth profile image
ladymoth in reply to Ozzygirl64

Hehehe - that's me ... a one-horse town! xxxx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to ladymoth

Tell me about it lol. I think from now on I am going to await your replies before I reply, just incase I get there first and leave anything out hun xxxxx

SharonD profile image

Same position as all of you too - once diagnosed was discharged with the words you really have to learn to live with it - had been doing that for some 16 years prior to correct diagnosis, also hot flushes - I am now 57 and my gp feels I should be over these however they continue and are also as you say horrible but all of the above is about the best you can try - hopefully you will be fine of the plane - X

Hi rchlearly,

I too am at a certain age and suffer Fibro, diagnosed and dismissed - it isn't personal, though it feels like it. There is nothing to cure our illness , the treatments are trial and error through GP. I have found that taking CoQ10 - vitamins along with evening primrose has really made a difference to my sweats and other menapause symptoms - I do not know what age you are and hope I am not offending you. I went into it early - about 40yrs am now well into my 50s and find that when I stop taking the vits mentioned the symptoms come back still. Hope you get some relief ... and best festive wishes to you and yours....xx

Thanks for all your advice. Gp says im not going through the menopause i've been tested for it. Am now trying the evening primrose oil to see if i get any relief. The gp is trying to say its stress related but cannot offer a solution. i'm really to the point of cancelling my holiday tbh xx

motzie profile image

Hi rchlearly i have this horrible hot flush problem & not sure how to ease it. I was an early change of life & i don't like going out anywhere as i always have wet hair and bad sweats from my waist upwards, also swell up like a water balloon.

I know that if i have any alcohol i flare up like a belesha beacon, so now i don't drink. I will be going to see my Lady Dr to see if there is anyway i can ease the daily & night time sweats. I know people take vitamins andother meds but i am not sure what goes with the meds i am on. I shall write a blog once i have been.

Hope you have a cool time over the festive season and all the best for 2013.

hunnybee profile image

Moffy said it all I think lol less clothing works for me and cool things to cool me down x I was to dismissed by rheumy to physio then they dismissed me after ten months told me they couldn't do anything more for me said i was managing my fibro.. Well if you call using a cane and a wheelchair managing lol i don't xxxhugsxxx have a lovely holiday xxx

myfindhorn profile image

My Dr gave me Livial HRT it is natural and cruelty free, I found it stopped my" Tropical changes " I refuse to have common hot flushes. I feel for anyone having those horrible upsets to the body more so when they just appear without warning, but hey they do put roses in our cheeks and cut down the heating bills. Best of luck in finding something to help you and don't cancel your holiday, or you will be letting the body rule the mind and that is a nocando.

cheers x

jimandjulie profile image

my hubby has the hot flushes he too suffers from fibro amongst other things . i usually have to sit in the front room with the patio door open in the winter he gets that hot and sweat just rolls from his head . our kids have to go to there rooms if there cold to where we have put heaters on timers for them . So i thinks these hot flushs is either to do with the fibro / medication or hormones .. By the way my hubby was diagnoised at the age of 37

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