Anyone got any tips for dealing with fm. Sick of constant pain for 12 years. My doctors dont know what to do apart from give me painkillers and amytryptaline for my restless legs
Fm: Anyone got any tips for dealing... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hello ninoc. welcome to the site. Have you visited our mothersite yet there is lots of information on there.
A lot of our group recommend getting a referal to pain clinic. something that as yet I havnt needed.
I will leave you to have a look around and then you can join us back on the forum where One of us will be here to answer any questions you may have or just to chat.
see ya
. Hugs sue xx

I think thats the one I went to first. I will go back on it in morning. Thanks for replying. I was shocked to learn how many people actually had it and relieved to know there were others out there with the same condition. I am having physio on my knee and he has told me that without a doubt he will kick my fm off good style. What joy
I also have had fibro for 12 years.
it can be very discouraging! When I
have a flare I also have this symptom and numbness and tingling. I take savella for the fibro
it does help. I also take amytriptlyne
at night. Ask your doctor to try
the savella it has minimized
some of the flares. Hang in there
don't give up! X
Hi nicnoc
I am so sorry to read that you are suffering in this way, and I genuinely hope that you can find the answers that you so desperately desire and deserve.
I can see that sue has given you the link to the FibroAction website which is a great place to start. My physio always tells me to pace myself and simply rest when I get too much pain.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
My physio gave up on the second visit, she told me that if I could not even walk up the corridore without becoming exhausted if a month of doing the exercises she gave me had not helped.
I was to go back if if there was any improvement.
WEEEEEEEL I am now moving a lot faster,.... But I dont think she meant in a power chair.
Sweetheart I have both and then some. I go to a pain clinic where they gave me Opana ER and it works for both!!! Hope this helps you also. xxx Mitzi
Thanks for that. Just need to get my gp to refer me to pain clinic. That will take a miracle
Hi my G.P recommended quinine for restless legs so I first tried a glass of tonic water at night as this has quinine in then tablets as it did help. Still get the pains but they wear off quicker than before. Best of luck Loraine
Where are you based?
Wigan in the north west.