has anyone taken magnesium supplements? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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has anyone taken magnesium supplements?

22 Replies

I am losing weight (slowly) :) and am monitoring all my intake during the day. The website I use monitors how much of a number of different things I eat with each kind of food during the day and overall, and from that I noticed my potassium, sodium and magnesium intake levels are very low and much low than the daily recommended. I looked on Amazon and came across Magnesium supplements and have ordered some as the reviews said they really help with fibro symptoms - I am wondering has anyone else tried them and have they been helpful? I'm asking because I've just joined the Ramblers and am due to do a 5 mile walk in two weeks time - as I'm usually sedentary I am of course worried about how I'll cope, in particular whether my fibro symptoms will flare up during the walk. So - anyone used magnesium?

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22 Replies
jillylin profile image


I have heard that myself. I know that low magnesium can cause cramp, etc. I need to start taking mine again. This time I think I will keep a log to track any progress or lack thereof



Maladjusted profile image

I have been taking Magnesium, Zinc & Q10 as advised by my GP for approx 10 months now. It has helped with the cramping, but if I overdo things I still get the flare ups, so I would advise you to pace yourself and gradually build up your daily exercise to a tolerable level before you do this walk. Personally my legs and hips would be screaming at the very thought of it.

I wish you luck with it, and hopefully no nasty after effects.

Em xx

TheAuthor profile image

Hi secondhandrose

I hope that you are well today? I have never taken these before, but I wanted to wish you all the best of luck with trying them.

Take care

Ken x

Piggysqueak profile image

Hello secondhandrose

How strange I have just been reading up about magnesium citrate it was manly about how it helps with constipation and will cause diarrhoea if take to much. It aids muscle recovery and aids sleep if taken on empty stomach before bed and causes vivid dream some said not unpleasant. This info I have taken from reviews of magnesium citrate on my protein.com if you want to have a look? I went on to buy shaker bottles for slimfast as I'm dieting or trying to !! Are you using my fitness pal app ? it's very good . Please let me know how you get on ? Good luck whatever you decide to do , and v v v good luck with the ramblers walk ouch but well done for trying I'm sure any pain will be worth it for the achievement you will feel take care squeak xx

in reply to Piggysqueak

Hi Squeak (love the name!)

I have only just seen your reply so sorry not to have replied before. I'm still taking magnesium and so far no problems, but I have found Rhus Tox (by Nelsons from Amazon) has been the most transforming thing in that I no longer have the almost constant cramps in my arms :)

I tried slimfast but didn't especially like the taste, also found them a bit expensive so now buy 60 Exante shakes in a box for £65 or so and then add a few drops of flavourings, sometimes vanilla and other times chocolate, etc. They take a lot less space as they are just little packets in a box and you whizz them up with cold water so they're dead easy to prepare, it takes seconds.

Yes I use myfitnespal every day and record everything (I think, well almost everything) including vits and minerals, etc. That way I have a record to take to medics too as I can print out the pages. Everything's going well really. I feel very much better, don't eat so much rubbish now and don't miss it, go for short walks every few days and go for 3-4 mile fastish walks each week - they are the hardest by far because of the speed, but I push myself to keep up and by doing that I think it helps increase the endorphins which keep depression at bay. The first Ramblers walk was easy - no pain at the time and no pain afterwards! We did 6 miles. This Sunday we go to Haworth in Yorkshire (Bronte country) and I think I will perhaps suffer and find it harder as it is hilly countryside, but I may find I am wrong - I'll take painkillers etc. I saw the phsyio today which was very helpful as she has given me some exercises to do as she explained I have been using muscles around the ribs as core muscles and that is why I get so much pain in that area at times. Overall no extreme fibro pain at all at the moment, bits and pieces but nothing too impossible.

How about you, what do you do to cope with your symptoms, are they bad?


Piggysqueak profile image
Piggysqueak in reply to

Hi Sue

You are a real inspiration ! Fantastic approach to your illness !

I found slimfast to expensive as well and moved on to ULTRASLIM from tesco. It was on offer 3 boxes for £10 . It almost same as you are using it is in little sachets that you blitz with skimmed milk. They are flavoured and 10 sachets per box 200 kcal per shake. Dieting or healthy eating is hard work but the rewards are worth it I have lost 3stone 5lbs but struggling a bit now despite knowing I must keep going !

My illness or illnessess are at the moment a nightmare. I had a lignocaine infusion a month a go for my Fybro and it has helped my knee pain but now my feet and ankles are so painful it so difficult to do simplest of things like standing. I do know that with Fybro it will be somewhere else one day ! My main problem is rare disease called sphincter of Oddi dysfunction which there is no CURRENT cure although some benefit from major surgery I did nt . This gives me terrible constant pain in stomach back and under shoulder blade basically inside my pancreas is imflammed and gives me chronic pancreatitis. I'm on lots of morphine and pregabalin , duloxetine etc but most days I'm restricted to bed rest as it only way I can cope however on a good day I do far to much as I don't know when I will have another . I will try the magnesium as I need all help I can get . I don't get cramps so much as burning pain is that similar to yours ? Sorry for going on about my health I get carried away I know I'm doing it all wrong but maybe one day .......

Thanks for replying and listening to me moan. Keep in touch Sue

Take Care Squeak ( Sally but Squeak to even friends and family it's a long story ) xx

11rooky54 profile image

Back at the begining of year bought book the fibromyalgia healing diet by christine cragg-hinton. I believe this is recommended by fybro society. I was most interested in the vitamin/mineral bit. She advocates that these plus diet & exercise can help control fb. She has it herself. I started taking the vits/minerals as she suggested & within a few days I felt markedly better. I couldn't believe the improvement over a couple of months. Then because I don't trust anything & found after 6 weeks that I was back to square 1. So I'm back on them again for good. There are still a few I need to add but I need to get my DR to do blood tests

. Needless to say magnesium is in there.

Mooma28 profile image
Mooma28 in reply to 11rooky54

WhAt vit and minerals do you take. I'd be really interested to hear. X

11rooky54 profile image
11rooky54 in reply to Mooma28

I take evening primrose oil, vitamin C E B1 B3 B12 A B6 B2 B5 & also Magnesium/Zinc, Selenium. Later in the year I am going to ask for my vitamin D to be tested & another test to do with seratonin levels. However the secret seems to be in the dosages, which are extremly high.

in reply to 11rooky54

Thanks for the info, I will look at the book.

Mooma28 profile image

I take magnesium citrate. I tried it after reading about it. I was having physio at the time and one week after starting it the physio commented on how the knotted, sore muscle patches were feeling better that week and that they relaxed after a much shorter time. To me the massage was much less painful that week too, so a definite improvement. I also find that Epsom salt baths with lavender oil are very good and really help with sleep, as do the magnesium supplements. Xx

in reply to Mooma28

That is great to hear. I also find I am still no longer having any muscle cramps, even though I did Pilates and my joints really suffered from all the holding of positions. I put it down to the Rhus Tox mostly but do think the magnesium has helped enormously.

pineapple_head profile image

Can you give me the link to the website please? I would be interested to find out my vitamins and minerals daily intake!!

in reply to pineapple_head

Just google it - myfitnesspal.com. x

Jjudith profile image

I found Magnesium very helpful with fatigue but when I started with Interstitial Cystitis for me it really causes my bladder to get worse. I have tried two different magnesium compounds but with the same effect. I do get worse cramps without it but on balance that is much better than the bladder symptoms.

in reply to Jjudith

I take it with my main meal as that eases the likelihood of bladder problems. x

Jjudith profile image
Jjudith in reply to

I take all my supplements with meals and it didn't make a difference for me, but glad it worked for you. Hugs x

sue32 profile image

I have taken Magnesium supplements for a number of years now but, unfortunately in my case, I have not noticed any improvement in my fibro. Mind you, I don't know what I would be like without them.....and I ain't gonna stop taking them just to see!! XXX

in reply to sue32

Do have a try of the Rhus Tox if you feel you'd like to, certainly I no longer have any muscle cramps at all even though I have had pain from over-exertion!

Just to update - still no muscle cramps and it is now 6 days after I stopped taking the Rhus Tox. I feel fine in myself apart from swelling in one lower leg which I know relates to an injury some years ago which left me with peripheral nerve damage.

When I started back at my walking group I found it really hard as my symptoms really flared up but I've persevered and things have really settled down - I think the "mental" lift just being outdoors is wonderful. I do take magnesium and I think it did help pretty much from the onset - worth a try?? I also take Vit d, Zinc and a iron supplement as I'm veggie, although my blood tests for fine for this and until recently have been a blood donor for years... xx

in reply to

Great, so you are doing very similarly to me then, glad it is helping you too. x

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