This year I discovered I can not handle Pregabalin or Gabapentine anymore. I had been taking Gabapentine for around 2 years than tried Pregabalin at the beginning of the year when I had a horrible flare with new pains which was bad due to the cold weather. I can now predict when the weather is going to get colder! Unfortunately it sent me mentally unstable. So, i went back onto Gabapentin and when the weather got warmer I came off that and had a pretty good summer just being on Venlafaxine. So November came around and with the cold weather. I went back onto Gabapentine and I reacted badly like with the Pregabalin.
All I am on now is Venlafaxine and ibuprofen. I am reluctant to take ibuprofen as in all honest it doesnt do much unless i take a ridiculous amount. Plus I discovered it makes me retain water & bloat.
So, can anyone recommend alternatives to help cope with pain?