Hello Everyone,
A blog to go with the recent poll.
Many of you have mentioned you have not had a referral to a Pain Clinic and that you didn't know this could be an option available to you. Here is some information about Pain Clinics from NHS Choices:
Please consider asking your GP to refer you to a pain clinic if you feel your pain experience is not being controlled.
As the link mentions 'Pain clinics vary but usually offer a variety of treatments aimed at relieving long term pain, such as painkilling drugs; injections; hypnotherapy and acupuncture.
You will need to be referred to a pain clinic by your GP or hospital consultant'
Here are some links to the FibroAction Expert Patient Series that may be of help:
Knowing your Diagnosis
and Dealing with Doctors
I notice many comments the Pain Clinic attended that people felt it was a waste of time. I personally was immediately referred to our local pain clinic and the Consultant was extremely helpful with medication changes & acupuncture (3 sessions on NHS)
I wondered could you ask to be referred either to another Pain Consultant / Clinic (if there is one locally). I know it's hard but try not to be despondent and think that other Pain Clinics will be the same as they may be different entirely.
Having Fibromyalgia and visiting HealthCare Professionals has it's difficulties and we all are no stranger to that. I understand how upsetting, frustrating and annoying it is but maybe try to use this energy to ask for another GP, change surgeries, ask for referrals and be proactive !
Here's a link to the FibroAction website to the All About Fibro downloadable & printable factsheets that contain all information on Fibro and it's treatments that also may be helpful.
This can be printed and taken into GP Surgeries, Hospital Clinics etc, link below:
Keep being strong !