Hi there,haven't been on here for a bit,mainly because of all the changes but if I don't get some things off my chest I'm going to explode.
I feel incredibly low again,have had a horrid week with fibro,migraines,pain,nightmares and the most awful ibs. I'm having noise problems with my neighbours and I'm feeling totally unsupported in every way. It's my mums birthday today and she would have been 83. I miss her so much,life is horrid without her. But life has to go on.
One of my dogs is driving me crazy with her whinging,it's off and on all day and I do all I can to try and get her settled. The vets have said she has the onset of dementia.
I've been doing a long term pain course but instead of helping I'm feeling worse! How can that be? I've also seen a mental health nurse but they wanted to double my lyrica dose which I tried but that made me feel drunk.
I get no support for the family I have left,absoloutely none. I've tried keeping in touch but I've given up now,it just feels horrible to be rejected.
So it's just me and my kids and thank goodness I have them. I'm trying to cling onto that. I feel like a total freak. What on earth is wrong with me?