Does anybody know how long it takes to hear back from atos when you have filled out the assessment form?Also,does everyone have to go to a medical?Was just wondering as I haven't heard back from them yet and a bit worried as I was late in returning the form back as well x
ESA assessment form: Does anybody know... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
ESA assessment form

It really depends on how busy they are and where you live, some areas are more efficient and less bogged down than others. I waited 5 months before being told I was put in the support group. Regarding medicals are you already on ESA or Incapacity, if Incapacity you have a higher chance of NOT being called in for an assessment, in theory anyway.
If you sent in in late that could go against you as they may see it as a no show and declare you fit for work. Have you contacted them to see if they have received the form? did you give any reason for the late return?

Hi there,thanks for your reply.Iam currently in receipt of incapacity benefit,I sent the form in late as I have been really ill with fibro and I was unable to write.It took me ages To fill the form in and I did write a reason on the form as to why it was late.I haven't contacted them yet so I will phone them next week x
Hopefully they will be sympathetic but Atos are not known for their compassion. Hopefully they won't keep you in suspense for too long.
I waited 4 weeks after submitting form for their decision. They awarded me ESA Support Group without calling me for medical. I was only receiving DLA when I applied.
Good luck, hope they get back to you soon.
Hi there,I get high rate care and mobility DLA,and I have a personal budget from adult social services so Iam hoping that I won't have to go in for a medical.I have been reading people's experiences on here and it has made me very worried x
Can I ask you whether the amount you get is the same as what your incapacity or income support was?x
Sorry,that was a question for Libbyloo2005
Hi I waited about 4-5 weeks for mine I was also like yourself I was late in sending my form back though I got my sister to ring them to say I would be late they asked for the reason of this and when would I be able to have it returned to them so they took a note of it I also wrote on my form the reason why I was late on returning my form.
My payment of incapacity benefit was due to be paid on the 28th of may and it was a week later I received my letter stating I was awarded ESA I also did not have to go for any medical and the only difference was that I am now being paid every two weeks instead of monthly ....
I hope they do get back to u ASAP as its a worry that we can all do without so here's hoping and good luck........
The only other thing I would like to state anyone filling this form in is to base it on your bad days not on a good day which like myself I'm sure there is not many of us do have good days
Thanks for that,my good days are few and far between.I wrote quite a lot on separate sheets of paper about how my fm affects me so fingers crossed that I won't have to go for a medical x
Oh I understand as it is very worrying as when you are used to the money coming in you start to think to yourself how I can I manage without it and even though other people are telling you not to worry as there is no way that you can or able to go back to work as I'm out of work for 7 years now as in August 07 I took a brain disorder which left me with a very bad speech impediment and loss of power in my right leg then to be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 08 which has now left me wheelchair bound but I must admitt my GP is great and understanding and has me on a lot of meds that at the moment is controlling my pain ......... I will be thinking and have all crossed for you that all do go your way .....
What worries me the most is the fact that Iam on my own with two kids so if my money gets stopped then how would I feed them as I rely on the money.I hate having to do this as I've always worked as an RGN nurse up until 7 years ago like yourself.I would love to be able to do a bit of part time work but unless I get a lot better that is not going to be possible x
Hi haribo36,
I was working until November 2012 so wasn't receiving any benefits other than DLA low care & high mobility. I think it's approx £100 a week in support group, not sure how much you get in work related group. I don't get the full amount as I have a small pension.
Hi, I was on incapacity benefit as well and waited about 2 months for a reply. I was put into the WRAG group with n o medical, but I appealed and after about 4 weeks I received a letter advising that the decision had been changed and I have now been put into the support group. Again I did not get a medical. Good Luck