Hi everybody. I have received a form from ESA and after reading it through I found it like my DLA form confusing with trick questions! Can someone advise me who can I get to help me out with the form filling? Thank you. Trish
ESA Form: Hi everybody. I have received... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
ESA Form

I meant to say Aisha!
Hello Aisha,
If you email me at info@fibroaction.org we can send out the Benefits & Work guides out to you for free which may be of help.
Here's the Benefits & Work website
hi Aisha
try D.I.A.L they filld my forms in
you can get the number of internet
good luke soft hugs kath
Hiya I am a newbie too. I received mine and went to disablitility citizens advice bureau who helped me fill it in.
I found Benefits & Work guide invaluable. It helps you fill in the form step by step & also show examples of how to answer Q's.
Hello Asiha
Firstly I would recommend you to take your time and read and reread the questions , write down your answers on a separate piece of paper before putting the on the form just incase you forget something or feel you need to change something. Fill the form in at your best time of the day if you have one and also if you have a close friend who can sit with you whilst doing this they could also help , make sure it is someone who understands you and has been through this with you .
If you feel there is something else that is not on the form you need to tell them use a separate piece of paper and write it down , I usually end up with 4/5 extra pieces of paper telling them how i feel and how my illnesess make me feel . Tell them your emotions also not just your physical symptoms i know there is a section for this but i do not think they give you enough space to express how you really feel.
Tell them if you are getting worse with time if that is the case there is not a question for this . Explain you have had problems filling in the form due to depression .
Make sure you explain fully your medications side effects properly that you get .
I know it looks daunting and it can look like trick questions but believe me it isn't just keep reading them .
If you need anything that is not on there write it on your separate notes... any help no matter how small.
I also explain more on my notes how my conditions affect me socially how I have lost so much through being ill.
I hope this helps
Kind regards