Just a quick question if i may guys.
I finally saw the rhumey who was very nice! He ran loads of blood work. Main findings were
-Severe Vitamin D deficiency.
-Low white cells- neutrophils
-Rheumatoid Factor positive and raised
-slight Calcium deficiency
Everything else normal. I have been started on high doses of vitamin d.
My anti-dsdna and Ana (for lupus) were also negative. these can be negative even if you have the disease apparently, confusing or what ?)
Have any of you had similar blood findings and were you diagnosed with fibro ,lupus ,RA? etc?
I have joint pain ,(hips and shoulders) muscle pain , shoulder swelling all worse in morning with severe stiffness always worse in the 2 weeks before my period settling for a week or so after.
I am wondering if all this is just due to being so vit d deficient or if more is going on, I am awaiting my next app with rhumatologist but would love to here from any of u in the meantime.
Thanks a always