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Fertility Network UK

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All posts for September 2023

Transfer Day!

Today is the day for my 3rd transfer (2nd FET), a little bit anxious, a little ...
LV2020 profile image

Levothyroxine FET

Morning all, Has anyone had issues with lining thickness for FET whilst taking...
Miracle43 profile image

Period took 7 months to return after coming off pill, and now too light?

Hi everyone, anyone had to wait months for their period to return after years of...
MiniCeeCee profile image
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HCG tests where?

I see people posting the HCG tests every few days. Is that done by the NHS? Is...
Babytocome profile image

3 month quarantine

Hi, another question. My clinic have now advised i cannot have a fresh transfer ...
Butterfly230 profile image

Anyone local to Devon going through IVF?

Will be starting first cycle of IVF/ICSI next month and wondered if anyone local...
Exercise4Calm profile image

Chronic Endometritis

Hey lovely ladies! My question today related to endometritis/chronic uterine inf...
Anita85 profile image

EMMA and ALICE test

Hi everyone, After taking a break following an unsuccessful cycle, I will be ha...

Feeling devastated, circle cancelled.

Hello Today my circle have been cancelled due to poor follicle growth ,I don’t ...
KHMSJ profile image

Acupuncture on the day of transfer

I have my first modified natural FET booked on Wednesday. I'm pretty scared beca...
SMBCnewbie profile image

Is 46 too old?

hey, Procrastination! 😤 Is 46 too old to try the DE route?
PollyT20 profile image

*Sensitive* A good news day for this 44 year old…

So… wonderful news, I am pregnant ! ✨💕 Still have a blood test to do on Thursd...

Very faint line 6dp5dt, anyone else?

Has anyone on here had a very faint line 6dp5dt that got stronger by OTD? Thi...
Whattheivf profile image

Any success for over 45?

Hi Ladies does anyone have good success from fertility support, I’m 46 and tryin...
Missionofendo profile image

Shared motherhood fresh transfer

Hi all. I'm back after a break. Me and my partner are doing the shared motherhoo...
Butterfly230 profile image

Transfer day....

Here we go, cycle number 6, transfer number 7..... My last chance covered by hea...
Leii9 profile image

baby phat?

Hi ladies, In January we started going to a nutritionist to help us through ou...
A_Fortune profile image

supplement advice

Hi all, Hope you are all keeping well. I am just wondering whether anyone has a...
Summeringreece profile image

Differing embryo quality for a double embryo transfer

Hi ladies, I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with having a rea...
Booda21 profile image

Day 2 transfer!

Hello! Yesterday I had a day 2 double embryo transfer because of only 2 fertili...
Sbss profile image

Swimming during IVF (FET)?

Is there any part of the FET cycle that it is recommended not to go swimming dur...
LozR profile image

how long did you wait between MC and FET?

hi I hope you’re all well and going strong in your journey! I’d like to learn f...
Hopewhite profile image

Missed Lubion injection

Following my FET 12 days ago, I have been prescribed I x cyclogest pessary and 1...
Chocolatetorte profile image

An Idiot’s Guide to Egg Donation

Hi, I’ve recently started looking into egg donation, but have a million questio...
Football61 profile image

Lack of cervical fluid

Hello This has been bothering me. I had a failed IVF transfer in July. I had my...
Skittles11 profile image

Emotionless towards IVF

I wrote a couple of months ago about donor eggs etc as I was pretty certain my o...
CJohns profile image


Hi all, I have always struggled with painful periods. I have never been pregnant...

Bleeding 6days past fresh transfer

Me again 😬. Just went to the bathroom and there was bright red blood when I wip...
Here4ivfinfo profile image

Upset over pregnancy announcement

I'm so upset by a friend's pregnancy announcement that I can't get to sleep. It'...

Ran out of Buserelin - FET

Hi, I was scheduled for my last Buserelin injection on Thursday ahead of FET nex...
GreenOpera profile image