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Fertility Network UK

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All posts for December 2020

Guidance and support

FET planned for Monday! I am on Progesterone 100mg vag nightly, progesterone 100...

Earliest you can stop progesterone - help please

Hi everyone Apologises if this has been asked before but this is my first ivf p...

Friends pregnancy announcement during the TWW 🤦‍♀️

Finding out your best friend is 13 weeks pregnant during the TWW is hard. She on...
Ajplus1 profile image
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Fed up

I always have a mini bleed from day 9 - 12 guys what is this, I surely can not c...

DE ... did you keep it private

Hi ladies So we are going to go ahead with De in January.Feeling relived that w...
Ladycoco20 profile image

22:30 today - trigger shot - one follicle

What I have learned from this journey is to take one step at a time. Not to thin...
Bernie2020 profile image


I had a negative result last week after a 2 embryo transfer, 1st attempt. We hav...
KHC39 profile image

Just a update

I had a call this morning and all 9 eggs are still going strong a few different ...
Hells18 profile image

Crinone gel - am I doing it wrong?

Hi lovelies, I have been doing crinone gel and everytime either a little bit is...
Baggit profile image

FET cycle to start Monday

Cycle started today so I’m booked in the hospital for Monday to collect my oestr...
LibzyRxx profile image

Embryo numbers drop day 1 to day 3.

Hi everyone, just had the call to say that from my 12 eggs collected to 6 fertil...
Danuelle profile image

Fertilisation update

Waiting for the call this morning was sheer torture. Time felt like it was stand...
ttcjourney profile image

Am I ruled out in the 2ww??

Hi all I’m new to here and to IVF/FET. We had egg collection beginning of sept ...
J086 profile image

BFP after previous MMC - how to cope

Got a BFP earlier this week after fresh transfer. Hcg was 102 10dp5dt. Was tot...
Kit84 profile image

Help - BFN to BFP?

I need your opinion please friends! I tested on Thursday, my official test date,...
Patches86 profile image

Artificial Oocyte Activation.

Hello Again all. After my consultation yesterday regarding my Complete Failure t...
Lenni222 profile image

10 days after embryo transfer

I had my embryo transfer 10 days ago. I just did a pregnancy test and it was neg...

Testosterone gel

Evening all, just wondering if anyone has used Testosterone gel and if it made a...
Rocco11 profile image

Anyone used an Embryoscope incubator?

Hi lovely ladies. I have had another scan today and am pleased to say things are...
Chicky86 profile image

Exercising while TTC

I love to row and keep fit but I have seen articles about it not helping and may...
Laura295 profile image

Stopping Progesterone at 12 weeks with subchorionic hematoma

Hi everyone, I am currently 11+1 weeks pregnant and I was told by my clinic to ...
ws29 profile image

Pregnancy cramps

Am 9 weeks 3 days, Any time I had cramp in the past it lasted like a day or 2 at...
Laurens95 profile image

Medications have arrived

So my medication arrived today, first round for IVF, I suddenly feel quite overw...

Feel like fool

Whem I was a young girl I went to a strict girl college, I was told to Wait goin...

New treatment plan: to include lactobacillus pills and prolutex progestogen injections

Having only had a chemical pregnancy confirmed days ago... The clinic in Prague ...
AnnieMac123 profile image

One 8 cell embryo (grade 2) and two blastocyst embryos grades 4Bb & 4Bc

Hi all, My clinic has just got back to me regarding the results of our embryo q...
Hannakallas profile image

Egg retrieval done, now the wait begins

Egg retrieval done, now back at home recovering. I was so nervous going in but a...
ttcjourney profile image

success FET after tube clipped

i’m little bit ecstatic and nervous after received call from jessop clinic that ...
qido profile image

Annual Leave

Just to let you know that I shall be on Annual Leave now, until next Friday 11th...

Tested 7days post fresh transfer

So i caved in and tested today.. it gave me a very faint second line .. i dont w...