I had a scan yesterday to see if I was ready to move onto stims following 16 days on buserelin. The scan showed up something on my womb that they said could either be a polyp or some fluid (such as womb lining from my period which was late due to the drugs and just started on Monday). They've decided to keep me on buserelin for another week and come in for another scan to see if it's cleared up. I should have asked what happens if it doesn't clear up.... has anyone had anything similar? Would my cycle be cancelled? It's our first privately funded cycle so I'm not really sure what would happen in that scenario. Any advice welcome! Feeling pretty dejected as was struggling with low mood and anxiety on the buserelin and it felt like the cycle was going on forever already. I know it's only potentially a week's delay but for some reason it's made me feel really deflated - this was supposed to be the straightforward bit!
Fluid or polyp on womb - what if it d... - Fertility Network UK
Fluid or polyp on womb - what if it doesn't clear up?

If it's a polyp, you could go ahead with collection and freeze all and transfer after you've had a hysteroscopy and polypectomy to remove it. Alternatively, if it's tiny you could risk transfer. I did both and was successful once removed. Good luck on the rest of your cycle xx
I had some fluid in my uterus they were a little concerned about and by the next scan it had gone, so hopefully you'll be fine. We could definitely do without the added stress couldn't we - this process is hard enough as it is!
Best of luck and I hope the next week goes quickly for you x
Oh and I should add that twice now they've also thought I had polyps and then when they've done a second scan to double check the polyps were gone too/never existed!
Oh sorry you’ve been through that. Thanks for the reassurance! Yes absolutely, it’s hard enough already. I always try to go into it knowing there could be complications and reminding myself I’m not in control of the process, but it still always throws me when things don’t go to plan…. I don’t really know why as this is the fifth time I’ve done this (3 fresh cycles, 2 FETs) and it’s never once gone smoothly! I’ve got another scan on Wednesday to check how things are looking so hopefully will have cleared up by then x
I have had a polyp after a previous miscarriage. It was huge and did not seem to go away after a few weeks of multiple scans. I had a laparoscopy and hystroscopy where it was removed. I was allowed to try pregnancy after then next regular cycle after removal.
Had another scan this morning and they couldn't see a polyp or any fluid so it seems to have cleared up. Starting menopur tomorrow. Really hoping it helps me feel better as the buserelin is making me feel so low and headachey. This cycle feels like such a slog already and I know there's still at least another month to go....