Hi there, Looking for some advice. I have just had one failed IVF cycle (age 41) which did not go all the way to egg transfer. On the second scan they said my bloods were not progressing as they'd hoped, even though I had 7 follicles on scan 1. They said that they were not getting big enough. I was on gonal f and luveris at the highest dose. They have cancelled the treatment. My parents want to pay for another go privately but I dont want them to waste their money if there is no hope. They also mentioned that the lining of my womb was not getting thick enough. What can I do?
cycle 1 cancelled: Hi there, Looking... - Fertility Network UK
cycle 1 cancelled

Hi Cazzie,
I'm sorry your cycle has been cancelled, it's so disheartening after all the build up and waiting to have ivf for the cycle to be cancelled.
I was around 41 when I had my first and only own egg ivf. Unfortunately I only produced 2 eggs, which didn't fertilise. I didn't qualify for NHS treatment as my area only gives funding up until 39 years of age. I then decided after much thought to go with de as the success rate is much higher, and to be honest would be my only hope of becoming a mummy. I now have a little princess from de.
I think the success rate for women in their 40's is around 10%, so could take a few goes, but saying that, there is a lot of women that have success.
You could maybe book a consultation at a private clinic to get there option and see if they could tweak your drugs for a more successful outcome.
Wishing you all the best
Hello! I'm due a FET and am 39. It was cancelled last month due to an ovarian cyst, however I too have also had issues re thin lining. I've done loads of research on this and from cd1 have been drinking pure pommegrante juice along with taking the following which I have been for the last 5 weeks: 600 vitamin e, selinium tablets, zinc, l'argine, all of which are meant to be good for thickening lining. I also take vitamin b, c, d and folic acid which I've been taking for last 6months.
Proof will be in the pudding I suppose! Scan this Friday to check cyst has all gone, then will be rescanned hopefully end of next week. X
Ooooo thats useful, I have also had problems with thin lining. Will try this, many thanks xxxx
Have got further issues with a cyst from scan results today, but womb lining thickness at cd6 is 3.5mm which is good for me, so will be round the 8-9mm thickness at transfer hopefully. Cd1 means first day of your period (calendar day 1) although in ivf purposes it means the day you actually wake up bleeding, so If you start af at 12noon then they would not class the first day of your period till the following day (the day you wake up bleeding) hope that helps xx
Hi Cazzie
Sorry to hear your cycle got cancelled - it must be so upsetting and disheartening.
Was this cycle on the NHS? I'm sure I read somewhere that if you don't get to egg collection then that doesn't count as a funded cycle and you can have another go. Of course I could be wrong and perhaps it's different depending on your area but can you ask your clinic?
I am 42 and I'm starting short protocol at the end of January. I will be on Menopur and cetrotide (I think) probably on the highest dose of them I would imagine. If your clinic say you weren't responding on the drugs you were on perhaps they could try you on different ones if you could have another go? I have heard it said that often second tries are better because the clinic know more about how you will respond.
Anyway, sorry for rambling. I just wanted to wish you all the best for whatever you decide. Take care x
I wish you well, too. Feeling a bit crappy just now but will bounce back. I have not been offered a second go, just been advised they will be in touch for a follow up. I have emailed the department to see if I can get more info on the chances. I will let you know what they say! xx
Yes please do let me know what they say. I hope the follow up is useful and they do offer you another go. I'm not surprised you are feeling crappy at the moment - after all the build up and the drugs and expectations etc it is really disappointing. Take care of yourself the best you can. xx
Hi There, Got a phonecall from the hosp after emailing them asking if I get another go. They said my case will be reviewed and I will get a chance to speak to the medics who will make the decision in a few weeks time. Because my gonal f injections showed a "poor response" they said it would be unlikely.
sorry to hear your story, i had the same
i've failed 4 cycles of ivf and my husband are mad now, we spent a lot of money and time by the way i have one kid and he inspires me but i really want to have another baby/
i've read a lot of forums and my mind goes crazy, we've stopped on ukraine but don't know is it right? btw, whaere are you trying?
we are in glasgow at the royal infirmary, 0 kids and the prospect of a future like that seems like no future at all. We really are apprehensive about going abroad. if it wasnt for this site, I dont know what I'd do, seems like everyone has kids except me, and so easily.
It doesn't seem to be so easy. We've been tryung for a long time and had no results. that's all depends on you and your nearest and dearest. at first my hb was so excited and thought that everything would be great but no. many nights of crying and blaming myself. Firstly I was like yes, we would cope with it, next time was harder I even started to lose my faith and support from husband. but time is going on and we become more stronger.
So, I just wanted to say that you need to start positively and at least smile. It will be all good and your future and kids. you should believe in yourself. I'm also afraid of going abroad.
truly to say, I didn't contact with that clinic I just collecting different thoughts and read similar posts to you. I'm like you. But I started to think differ and wish you the same