Some of you may know I was due to have a natural FET last month which got abandoned due to free fluid.
I went today for my day 8 scan in hope this month I could go ahead with it and the fluid is still there. My consultant doesn’t seem to understand why as I had my hysteroscopy in March which was meant to clear it 🤷♀️
The plan now is to be scanned Wednesday and Friday, if the fluid hasn’t gone il have to change to a medicated FET. Try another endo scratch (which have never been successful for me) on day 21 and then begin buserelin, after 2 weeks il be rescanned in hope the meds have cleared the fluid. If it hasn’t the cycle will be abandoned again and il have to have another hysteroscopy.
I’m glad to have a plan but everything feels so uncertain at the mo, will cycle number 5 ever go ahead. I feel like maybe my bodies just given up now 😞