Morning all,
So I haven’t posted in a long while now, but as I’m sure you are all aware, this journey can be a long & difficult one, and each journey is completely unique.
I’ve been wary of upsetting anyone, so apologies in advance if this post is painful for anyone to read. If anything, I’m hoping my story can give people some hope, when the odds aren’t in their favour.
So just a quick recap, as it’s been a while now since I’ve posted. So I have just turned 43 very recently. Last year I was told my egg count is very low, along with low AMH. We were told our odds of falling pregnant naturally were slim to none (although they can’t say impossible, as there’s always a chance) Chances of IVF working with my own eggs was 1-5%, and using donor eggs was advised in our particular case.
I am now just over 20 weeks pregnant (using my own egg!) and had my 20 week anatomy scan yesterday. All is looking good so far 👍😊
So it was cycle 3 that was successful for us. We had 2 eggs retrieved on this cycle, and only 1 of those eggs fertilised. And yet here we are!
I’ve read many posts over the past few months, and am aware everyone has such a unique and often extremely difficult journey. I realise there are both success stories and unfortunately unsuccessful stories. I am also aware my partner and I are fortunate to be in the situation we currently find ourselves in (though it hasn’t been without its struggles) I hope telling my story isn’t too upsetting for people, and that instead it can bring some hope to those who have been given the same/similar odds as we were X