Hi everyone,
Wondering if I could get some advice or see if anyone's had similar experiences.
I am 35yrs old. I've had 2 miscarriages both at 6 week (age 33). At 5 weeks both had slow heart rates of 80. Then a week later nothing. My AMH was found to be low. Dr advised to continue trying to conceive naturally and progesterone pessary to start day after ovulation. I didn't conceive naturally for 2 following years.
I went onto have 3 cycles ivf. It was meant to be mild ivf but they found that I was not responding to hormones hence was on moderate dose of bemfola 225. We got 4 embryos from 3 cycles and the plan was the go ahead with FET.
I started oestrogen tablets. On day 9 uterine lining was at 6mm hence oestrogen tabs increased to 8mg a day. On day 14 the lining was 7.6mm and all set for day 0 to start. The day prior to starting day 0 I had cramps and very tiny bit of spotting. I was told to start progesterone pessary, injections, prednisone and continue with oestrogen on day 16. I went in for a reassurance scan on day 17 and the doctor found that the lining had now shrunk to 5.5mm. They did not have any explanation for this. They said maybe the lining thickens as it leutenises with progesterone but surely that goes against why they give progesterone in the first place. My FET cycle was cancelled with a plan to start again after next months period.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar?
Thanks for reading