Dear ladies,
I joined this forum on behalf of my daughter. She has done several IVF cycles without success. I have questions about the protocols used in her two FET cycles.
First, she undergone a FET early this year as a modified natural cycle: scans on day-9 and day-11 (lining =7mm); trigger shot on day-12; blood test for progesterone on day-13 (P4 =104 nmol/L); cyclogest (2x 400mg daily) start on day-14, the same day as embryo transfer (of a day 5 blastocyst).
That cycle was failed. Afterwards, I realised the embryo transfer was done only 2 days after trigger shot. According to what I have ready, the gap between embryo transfer and trigger shot should be 5-6 days! Am I wrong? Or has anyone else used a similar protocol and got a successful outcome?
Second, my daughter is undergoing a new FET this month using a medicated protocol. She has started taking oestrogen tablets (4x 2mg daily) and will be for 10-14 days. Then when lining is ready she will start to take cyclogest (3x 400mg daily) for 3 weeks or longer. On the 6th day of taking cyclogest, she will have a blood test for progesterone and embryo transfer.
Again concerned based on my own understanding, a P4 blood test should be ideally taken 1 day before embryo transfer so she can increase progesterone dosage as soon as possible if needed. Will the 1 day delay in P4 test affect the outcome? Has anyone got experience or better knowledge on this?
If this new FET fails again, my daughter might try a mild stimulation protocol in her 3rd FET. Has anyone used? What are the pros and cons?
Thank you for reading my message! Any advice and comments are highly appreciated!