Hi Ladies,
So the title says it all. It was supposed to be my test date today but AF decided to make her ugly appearance on Friday! I just wondered if anyone can advise on this. This was my second round on a slightly higher dose of meriofert and I reacted well to the medication this time round. At egg collection 9 eggs were retrieved. On the same day I received a call to say that out of the 9 eggs only two were mature. Those two eggs continued to do well and one egg reached 5ab blast stage. Everything went well with the transfer and my womb lining was perfect. Received a call the day after that my other embryo wasn’t good enough to freeze. So basically one good embryo out of 9. I’m 40 with an AMH of 5.6 so I know the odds are against me
Thyroid Level
I have mentioned my TSH level in previous posts. Before the start of my first round last January my I was diagnosed as having an under active thyroid and treatment was delayed for six weeks while I started Levo. My first round ended up BFN. I had a frozen embryo transfer in July, also BFN. I had follow up bloods and my TSH level had risen to 9. I was then started on a higher dose of Levo. TTC levels should be under 2.5. On this round of IVF my clinic checked my bloods 4 weeks before transfer and my TSH level was 1.9 so I was deemed ready to start treatment. However, due to my TSH rising to 9 last time I asked my clinic if I could have my bloods taken just before embryo transfer. The nurse refused and said the clinic only take bloods every six weeks. I decided to go to my GP to have bloods for peace of mind and my TSH had risen from 1.9 to 3.9. I contacted my clinic with the results and they didn’t really take me seriously and said I shouldn’t be going between the clinic and my GP to have my bloods done!! Due to worrying I had my bloods rechecked again with my GP but I had already had my embryo transfer and my TSH level came back at 8!! My dose of Levo was increased and I have been referred by my GP to see an endocrinologist. I can’t help thinking that this may have had an effect on my embryo. I’m so annoyed with my clinic for not checking bloods before transfer!!! Sorry for the long post. Hopefully someone can advise. Good luck to all you ladies in this awful journey xx