I just completed my first FET with a 4BB embryo. Unfortunately it resulted in BFN 😭💔
Our NHS-funded round is now over: we only managed to produce 2 blastocysts out of 10 eggs collected. Fresh transfer resulted in chemical 😢, and now failed FET.
We will be switching the clinic for a private treatment. Although our NHS round was in a private centre too, I am not very happy with their approach. I truly feel like they just used one-size-fits-all protocols on me not even measuring progesterone levels ahead of the transfer.
I want to run more tests before jumping into a next collection / transfer. I know there are some really experienced warriors here, and hoping for some advice on the next tests that we should look into.
For the context, we are unexplained. I am nearly 36 with AMH 14.5 pmol/L (=2.03 ng/ml) as of last year's test. Otherwise fit and healthy; all standard fertility tests are normal.
Any recomendations highly appriciated! 🙏