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Confirmed BFN blood test & thoughts on embryo glue??

Minminminminh profile image
18 Replies

So the nurse called at 13:15 and confirmed it was a BFN. My period has also started, so this round is definitely over.

The rawness of it all is starting to fade with the help of good friends and good food. It has really helped that I was open and transparent with all my friends and family, giving them live updates every step of the way. A huge contrast to my previous round, where I kept everything hush hush and then felt incredibly lonely the whole journey. 

What next? 

The nurse offered three options:

1. Plan next cycle to transfer remaining frozen embryo

2. Do another ICSI round to bank more eggs

3. Consult with Dr to come up with another plan

We think we might go with option 1, then maybe Dr if next round also doesn’t work.

What are people’s thoughts on embryo glue?

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18 Replies
Joeysjourney profile image

Aw im so sorry to hear thst. Bfns absolutely SUCK! Glad to hear you've lots of support around you, good friends and family are so important and I often keep everyone at arms length so that they don't worry and I don't have to talk about it but as you say it's isolating and they never get the chance to fully understand the process and heartache to be able to support us properly!

Good to see you've options and a plan ahead. Take care over the weekend D and treat yourself to something yummy xx

Minminminminh profile image
Minminminminh in reply to Joeysjourney

thank you Joey!

Marisa32 profile image

Sorry to hear. Not sure embryo glue has much of an effect on things. At 39, I would make sure the sperm is all good (DNA fragmentation test at least), then bank more embryos before doing more transfers. Only about 1 out 12 eggs is viable by the age of 40, so that's why the need for multiple eggs/embryos to hit the one good one. Good luck!

Minminminminh profile image
Minminminminh in reply to Marisa32

Such a depressing statistic, but it’s true. I will have to look up DNA fragmentation test - this is new to me. I always thought of the sperm is no good, then fertilisation wouldn’t occur? Is that correct thinking?

Marisa32 profile image
Marisa32 in reply to Minminminminh

It's probably a little more complicated than that. 0 fertilization or non viable embryo could mean bad egg or bad sperm. It's impossible to test eggs but very easy to test sperm. At our age, getting a good egg is so challenging, you want to make sure the sperm is all good.

Minminminminh profile image
Minminminminh in reply to Marisa32

great point, I will have to check in with my clinic. Thank you

Twiglet2 profile image

I’m so sorry 😢 I would do what you are thinking and try the frozen one and then replan. If you have an embryo good enough to be frozen then I don’t see the point in doing more collections until you’ve used them up really as what if that’s the one and you are just wasting time with more collections? 1 in the hand is worth 2 in the bush and all that (just my opinion) is it maybe worth a wee mini consultation though to see if they want to add in anything extra for the frozen round ie more progesterone or blood thinners etc? Usually doesn’t delay anything to have that convo xx

Minminminminh profile image
Minminminminh in reply to Twiglet2

I feel the same about you re: transfer the frozen embryo as next step. This is a sibling cycle, so if this one works - I wouldn’t want to do another collection. Do you think I should give myself one cycle off and then try? Or try on next cycle?

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Minminminminh

our clinic usually goes for the 2nd bleed after an unsuccessful round to give yourself a chance to rest a bit from the meds, the only time I’ve done it back to back was on natural cycle going into medicated as no meds to come off so I would maybe wait but I’m also impatient depends what your clinic say maybe? 💜 xx

Minminminminh profile image
Minminminminh in reply to Twiglet2

Yeah I think I might give myself one cycle break, my body feels all bloated and ‘off’ from this round. Thanks for your advice and thoughts, really truly appreciate it x

StarsAllAround profile image

So sorry you weren't successful this time. Glad you have support around you. I asked my clinic about embryo glue for our last cycle they told me they had stopped using it because there is zero evidence it helps so they felt it was just a waste of money. Good luck x

Minminminminh profile image
Minminminminh in reply to StarsAllAround

this is so useful to know!! Not sure I’m going to bother with it x

Jane8412 profile image

I’m so sorry for your BFN. I would go for a FET if you have a frozen embryo ready to go. I’d probably only go into another fresh cycle if you have low AMH and want to bank some embryos for siblings (this is what I did).

HFEA classes embryo glue as amber due to no reliable research I think. I know my clinic use it for all transfers as standard (no additional charge) as they say it has no negative effects and may increase chances of pregnancy rate. Does your clinic charge much for it? If it’s not much more I’d be tempted to go for it. Good luck lovely xx

Minminminminh profile image
Minminminminh in reply to Jane8412

Thank you for the reply! It’s a sibling cycle, so we just really hoped for one more. Think the more I have spoken about it on this forum, the more definite I think we will just do the FET and hopefully it is the one x

Jane8412 profile image
Jane8412 in reply to Minminminminh

Sending you lots of luck! xx

So sorry for your BFN but so pleased you have such a great support network around you.

I think your decision should probably be influenced a bit by whether you are planning to try for one or more children. If you are happy with one and have no desire for at least trying for a larger family there is no reason not to transfer your frozen embryo as that certainly could be the lucky one! Having said that I think if you are thinking you would (in a perfect world) have more than one child and that is your ultimate ambition I think I would be tempted to do another fresh round and try and get a few more in the freezer. Whilst I am not into scaremongering about egg quality dropping off etc I would be mindful that when (not if!) your next transfers works you wouldn't be in a position to do another round for maybe 18 months/2 years (pregnancy then breastfeeding etc).. and by that stage you are 41. Now loads of people get pregnant and have great egg quality at 41/42.. even 46 but equally some people (myself included) definitely found around 40 my egg quality started dropping off... so I personally would be tempted to bank a few more now if more than one child is a possibility x

Minminminminh profile image

Hi Daisy, congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I am so very happy for you ++++++. The clinic shared the same re: consider banking if we want more children. Not a bad idea (thinking maybe I could have done with this in my first round). But we really are just hoping for one more child. I just figured since we were able to fall pregnant the first round, maybe this is all egg quality (more likely abnormal due to my age) rather than anything to do with my womb or husbands sperm. Am I naive to be thinking like this? This is why I was thinking not to bother going with the Dr consult before the FET. But if the next FET fails, then we would do a consult 🤷🏻‍♀️.

in reply to Minminminminh

Bless you it's a minefield isn't it. I think the fact you have managed to fall pregnant is a good sign, and I think the fact you didn't this time isn't necessarily a sign that egg quality isn't great. Sometimes it really is just the luck of the draw I think (which is zero help to any of us and we all wish we had a crystal ball). I tend to agree with you and crack on with your next FET if you are thinking of maybe just one child. Sending you a huge hug xx

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