Two weeks of Buserelin done.... Appointment this morning for a scan, blood test & ur one sample and then onto the next drug for egg stimulation!! It's all very real now!! bring on the next chapter!!! 😊
Icsi: Two weeks of Buserelin done... - Fertility Network UK

hi lucyireland26 .. Good luck to u with everything .. Exiting times but also stressing when something no goin exactly in plan had even bad dream last night about some long needles and they couldnt get any eggs from me .. and its all coz i was stressing last night .. While sayin to everyone to stay positive
Oh no Hun!!! It's awful when you have a bad dream as there is nothing you can do to stop it!!! Hope everything goes ok for you, the only part I worry about the most is exposing my body to doctors and nurses but apart from that none of it worries me lol!! When is your egg collection? How are you feeling? X x
I'm at a similar stage, I have a scan later today to check the Merional is working, then another scan Friday & hopyfully they'll let me know what day they'll be taking my eggs 😄. Good luck huni, so exciting x

Hi. Just to wish you every success with the rest of your cycle. Diane
Thank you Diane!! Had my first scan today and everything was perfect!!! Start the new drug on Wednesday and then go back a week after that!!! It's just going so well and not finding it stressful at all!! Very optimistic and if it doesn't work I already have a beautiful little girl who I will be spoiling without any guilt!!! Ha ha!!! X x x
Hi. Fabulous! All good to go! So pleased that you are feeling so positive and not finding
this cycle stressful at all. Well done and I wish you every good wish for the rest of the
treatment. Let’s hope that your daughter does get to have a brother or sister, but as
you say, one spoilt little girl will be fine. Diane
Best of luck with everything, I'll be starting ICSI myself too so I'm finding your posts and positivity very helpful. Fingers crossed for you x
Thank you!!! I always laugh to my friends because if I'm honest the worst part for me has got to be the dignity! I'm can't bare the fact that people will be seeing my body.... Its all my own insecurities but I can't help the way I feel lol!!! You will be fine Hun. Just keep telling myself I really can't change the outcome what will be will be!!! I tend to always worry about the things in life I can control not the things I can't!!! sit back and let them doctors do what they are best as!!!! Hope that helps!!! 😘 x x