Posts - Living with Fatty Liver and NASH | HealthUnlocked

Living with Fatty Liver and NASH

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All posts for March 2022

High ast

Does high ast mean cirrhosis. My ast is high


Hello everyone! I’m from Indy Indiana. I was diagnosed with fatty liver via an u...
Mszy profile image

Which blood test results do you watch?

Hello everyone - I have been dealing with fatty liver for a couple of years now....
jpenny57 profile image
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To biopsy or to not

Received my 2nd opinion today. Gastro but MD, he said pretty much as last gastro...
ThyroidDeb profile image

Mild Fatty and mild enlarged liver

I am confused can your liver be fatty and not be enlarged? I saw a general Dr w...
jesse2121 profile image

The hepatic encephalopathy (HE) researchers are having trouble finding patients so have expanded their search to include cirrhosis

I feel that this aspect of liver disease doesn't get enough attention so have le...
nash2 profile image

Castor Oil Compress for NAFLD?

Hi All , Has anyone tried a castor oil compress to detox the liver ? A friend m...
Juscalmed profile image

Not great update

My blood pressure went sky high after cleaning my upstairs wouldn't come down. I...
ThyroidDeb profile image

Liverfast results

Attaching my liverfast results
emarie96 profile image

Fibroscan questions

Has anyone ever had normal multiple US, EUS, CT scan and MRI w/contrast and had...
envirogirl profile image

Can you eat eggs with fatty liver?

So I've done some research and can't find a definitive answer on if eggs are saf...
emarie96 profile image

Fibroscan after one year from last one

I would like to share some upate about my liver status. A year ago I had fibrosc...
MINTVCX profile image

Fatty Liver Index

Fatty Liver Index Interesting...
MINTVCX profile image

INR level

Hi I wonder if it is monitored regulary amongst you diagnosed with significant f...
MINTVCX profile image

Macro’s and sodium limits

Hi all, looking at cleaning up my diet. I’m planning on using “my fitness pal” ...
Kettl profile image

Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) patients needed for a study about the condition (we believe that docs pay too little attention to this problem)

My name is Maggie and I am with LaGrippe Research. We are currently inviting tho...
nash2 profile image

Can't sleep

Does anyone or has anyone, had trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. I h...
ThyroidDeb profile image

Liverfast test

I ate pretty crappy last week, but jumped right back on the liver regime after t...
emarie96 profile image

Blood Liver Enzymes?

If one has NAFLD or NASH wouldn’t it show up first in elevated liver enzymes?
Joynergy profile image

Working the night shift

I work a 12 hr night shift, 4 nights one week and 5 nights the next back and fo...
NYLassie profile image

Liver mri

What does a liver MRI scan show?
foxglove profile image

The Wellness League is a services search function function coming from the Fatty Liver Foundation. Use it to locate local services.

Did you ever want to find support services in your local area? This is a link t...
nash2 profile image

Should nonalcoholic be removed from the name of fatty liver disease, do you have an opinion, would you like to participate in the decision?

AASLD has contacted the patient community through GLI about participating in a N...
nash2 profile image

UPDATE! from last post. RE: Fibro Scan

So yesterday I had the Fibro Scan completed. It put me in such joy to view this...
meme7 profile image

Nutritionist denial

Got my formal denial from Medicare for a nutritionist today. Liver was not cover...
ThyroidDeb profile image

What Fruits Can’t You Eat?

I have a new development in that any time I eat certain fruits I immediately sta...
LeiL profile image

4 Years post transplant and found fat in liver

Hi. I am 4 years post transplant. I have been doing well. However, my checkup...
meme7 profile image