My blood pressure went sky high after cleaning my upstairs wouldn't come down. I have never had a problem. So I called ambulance went to hospital. Guess my EKG had a blip they weren't too concerned but got worse so they suggested I stay and have a stress test. They took a lot if blood. One good thing liver enzymes were great! However, I was a little dehydrated and wasn't eating enough. So long story short, I had the chemical treadmill test. The report said I was breathless but I didn't feel that way but they saw something. Asked me a bunch of questions about pain and symptons which I've had none that I realized. The doctor sounded shocked i had no pain. They decided to release me for outpatient test, cardio CT next week which I wish were sooner and then a halter on 5/2 which I thought was a long time out. Can I assume they aren't real concerned? He said he didn't want to do an angio if not really needed. I did hear the word Angina. He said no coffee unless decaf (great)...and not any strenuous exercise, I assume for now. I was put on Crestor, Metoprolol which makes me dizzy and sleepy, baby asprin and Paxel which makes me feel whacky but I hear it works well for that was my weekend. Of course I had a lot of therapy sessions setup for my foot which yesterday I canceled, afraid to drive but there's a bunch more!! 🙃 oh, nobody could answer why the pressure would have gone so high.
Not great update: My blood pressure... - Living with Fatty...
Not great update

Well you never seem to do anything simple. Good luck with all of that.
My sister-in-law has constant high blood pressure and regularly passes out. She's been in hospital countless times and even given a monitor to take home but they haven't yet found out what causes it. The good news is she is still with us.I was given a form to fill in for my high BP and it was happily bobbing along at about 140/90 then something came on the TV and I had a rant and it shot up - all I had done was get a bit hot under the collar, no great exertion.
No help, but it's a funny old thing blood pressure.

I have never had blood pressure problem so when this went to 185/99 I was pretty concerned, no pain heart rate was 103. I could understand heart rate because I vacuumed the whole upstairs carrying the vacuum up steps and down but blood pressure I couldn't understand. I have had test in past do to my heart gets double beats and has many years, even in college. Stress related I assumed they never really found much I guess. I don't want anything but I'd like them to know why it did this. I realize I allowed myself to get super stressed about the liver diagnosis but I have felt weak so much that I don't want to stand up to cook which probably lead to not enough nutrition. Eating in the hospital started making me feel stronger I noticed. I'm trying to not be so stringent allowing some different items that were in the cardiac diet. Thanks
It's mad what affects it. I was in the doctors having it taken once and someone knocked and came in, then said sorry and left and the nurse said she'd have to do it again because that would have affected it.I have also found computer games (candy crush etc not shoot 'em ups) soothe my BP, but I try not to be playing them when I take my readings because again it wouldn't be a 'true' reading.
Sometimes not know I have had a pain that comes and goes but has been getting worse this year. Not heart or lot of other things but still looking, just don't want big surprise years later !!! Ron
Where are your pains Ron?
Left side of chest, had brain scan & scan on lungs & legs looking for blood clots, waiting on brain scan because of 40 yrs of migraines and daily headache pain, just been feeling so bad lately! Doesn't have much to do with my NASH, but I guess its just one more issue having to contend with
I'm so sorry, geesch, I feel your discouragement. Like we don't have enough to deal with already. I assume no clots on legs were found, that would be good news. No ideas on why chest pain from doctors? Keep me posted, I have everyone in the Foundation on my prayer list but will say a special one for you. I get the echocardiogram Wednesdsy but I have not had any pains. Best wishes, hope you feel better soon.
Sometimes when I am stressed out and over due things my liver will rebell and my blood pressure will shoot up or a day or too. I had a UTI here a while back then my liver will rebell and my blood pressure shoots up. I just rest and take it easy because my liver functions better at rest. Just relax. I also have heart problems, but I am a firm believer the heart problems come from my liver functions. My heart doctor knew nothing about NASH and yelled at me because he wanted to do all this stuff for my heart like put me on high meds. I told him he gives me those meds and it will kill my liver so why take them, I'd be dead one way or another. He then read all about NASH and called me on the phone and apologized for trying to push meds on me. I finally consented to a chemical stress test which came out great and he has totally left me alone. I see him once a year. Make sure your Dr. knows all about your liver.
My blood pressure has never shot up 180/99 kept going up, freaked me out! I have always had good blood pressure. He knows all about my liver. I had the chemical stress test, they saw something not real sure what. I guess not bad enough to do another test right away. He first scheduled the cardio CT I just got a change to an echocardiogram the 30th then a halter on 4-18 and a home sleep test. He put me on a blood pressure med but is also used to protect the heart Metoprolol put me on Crestor, baby adprin and Paxel antidepressant. I asked him about these meds and my liver he said it won't harm the liver, on very low doses and I have a fully functioning liver. I really hate the side affects from one of these meds, makes me very tired. Better, still makes me tired but not enough to sleep all night! I either wake up and stay awake at 3am or wake up every hour or so. I just want to feel the way I used to, at least had energy to go places..thanks for responding.
Deb: while I was a caregiver to my bedridden husband I had much the same experience as you describe. My heart rate would be around 100 resting. I also was put on Metropol Tartrate 25 mg. I hear a lot of metoprolol stories but in my case I felt much better taking it as it kept heart rate around 75-85 and BP was a little on low side. I now take 1/2 pill in morning and 1/2 pill at night if needed. It has helped greatly with anxiety and the constant vigilance it takes to monitor an ill person. Since my husband passed I have had to cut back the MTP and now take only 1/2 a day. The tiredness people complain about was very mild for me and hard to notice to the exhaustion of caregiving anyway. For me I feel better on this med not worse.
Thank you and I'm sorry you had to go through that, strong person you are! Things are getting less sleepy on the pill, my friend takes 100mg twice a day had no problems!! It seems to work altho I rarely had high blood pressure just this episode, no idea why. I have allowed myself to stress over this liver situation, it was so out of the blue like a lot of people say. Threw me for a loop! I don't sleep well at night so that probably adds to it. Getting better tho, thanks for responding. I hope life deals you some happiness now..