Does high ast mean cirrhosis. My ast is high
High ast: Does high ast mean cirrhosis... - Living with Fatty...
High ast

No, it does not mean cirrhosis. But you should see doctor to look closer to your health status (and also your liver condition because high AST might have something to do with this but nothing conclusive). Good luck.
I can see now you have been already diagnosed with your liver disease. Please consult your AST with your specialist it is only one parametr so I think not much to say based only on this.
Thank you. I had a high CAP score on my fibroscan and my liver specialist said that I wouldn’t know for two years if I have a fatty liver. I have a 350 CAP score. Fatty liver hasn’t showed up on my scans yet. I am hoping that I can start to reduce my stress in my life.
Hi Jenny
The CAP score relates to liver fat. There is another score in that test call liver stiffness measured in kpa which is the one that relates to possible cirrhosis. Ask your doc about that result. Blood chemistry by itself can be very misleading and fluctuate too much so they end up scaring you. Some docs just say fatty liver for everything but there are two stages. NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver, means fat in the organ, NASH, nonalcholic steatohepatitis, means the cells are being damaged. The key question is whether you have NAFLD or NASH so that is what your doc should clarify for you.
My kpa is 3.0. I have autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cholangitis. This was my fibroscan results from my last appointment at the Mayo Clinic. I have another appointment next month.
You will want to talk with your doc to be sure you understand, but that score says that you have NAFLD but do not have NASH. That is a very good thing. It may be difficult but NAFLD is completely reversible. Once scar forms from NASH it is a much more difficult problem. You have cholangitis which is no fun but with auto immune there are some therapies which may help. With NASH we don't have anything yet other than diet and weight loss.
I had to take prednisone for four years. I gained 40 pounds. I am struggling to lose the last 10 to 15 pounds. Thank you for your explanation. I now know why my liver specialist told me not to worry. I hope that I’m not having an aih flare. It would be my first since diagnosis
I'm glad you have it managed but don't you wish docs would just explain the situation? The lack of clear guidance for patients makes me crazy.