Posts - Living with Fatty Liver and NASH | HealthUnlocked

Living with Fatty Liver and NASH

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Latest data on Resmetirom is published, FDA approval is expected in March

Today marks a significant milestone for Madrigal's NASH/MASH program and a major...
nash2 profile image

Complicated with NASH, looking for next step

HI, I feel so discouraged by healthcare. My story - No one can say "why," yet I ...

Any help

I was diagnosed with NASH years ago. I was never given any advice on what helps....
brenlp61 profile image
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Resolved NAFLD / NASH in 6 months!

May 20225ft 7 at 234 pounds and 37 BMI. Started to not feel too great. After sev...
ABabs profile image

Questions I should ask my doctor on first visit after diagnosis.

I have recently been diagnosed with severe fibrosis (F3). I am obese (5’7”-246lb...
Boomer642 profile image

New medicine for NASH????

Has anyone here heard anything of the trial by Intercept Pharmaceutical? Were y...
sosteady profile image

4 Years post transplant and found fat in liver

Hi. I am 4 years post transplant. I have been doing well. However, my checkup...
meme7 profile image

Fibroscan score

I recently had a fibroscan and the results were F2-F3, but then stated I had mil...
Max57 profile image

Does the Itching ever stop?

Itching is a new symptom just added to my illness and it’s pretty bad. My scalp...
LeiL profile image

Gilbert's Syndrome (unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia) and NASH (scientific point of view)

First I have to warn everyone that is about scientific articles and not everyone...
MINTVCX profile image

I started almost a year ago with this diagnosis, unfortunately. I had biopsies in February to confirm cirrhosis.

Since then I dropped 40 pounds, changed to low carb, walk a lot, drink coffee, t...
Newdeck profile image

Medical Cannabis

Is medical cannabis ok to use for pain unrelated to the cirrhosis.
unie profile image


Hello all, I have not been on here in a while. I just my blood drawn today and I...
MW923 profile image

I have covid! Can I take ibuprofen?

I have covid 19 and have received a monoclonal infusion To help stop it from pr...
Jkf1 profile image

Lean nash

Sgpt- nomal, fibrscan kpa 5.0, us-normal, plattlate- normal. no biopsoy done. My...

How to get a 3rd vaccine booster

I got a 3rd Pfizer shot today, here is how it works. The CDC is not really encou...
nash2 profile image

Virus mutation factories, how might you become one of them?

Here is a link to a recent blog post about the Delta variant and immune compromi...
nash2 profile image

Diagnosed with fatty liver gallbladder sludge prediabetes overweight

Diagnosed with Fatty Liver gallbladder sludge prediabetic overweight pain on rig...
Sharonross profile image

Not sure what food I can have

I have just been diagnosed with fatty liver. I am not sure what I am allowed to ...
Lady5 profile image

Just Diagnosed with NASH f2 fibrosis. Does anyone here have biopsy confirmed reversal of Nash? What did you do to reverse your nash?

I just had a biopsy done which showed NASH, Chronic hepatitis like damage, F2 fi...
Hidden profile image

New to site - F2 Fibrosis, Please advice!

Hello Everyone. I am new to this community and have been looking for some advice...
hossimiri profile image

Fatty Liver Foundation Webinar Jan 6th 12:00 EST A Panel Discussion About Things We Learned in 2020 And Where We Go From Here Please Join Us

Two of the top liver doctors in the world are joining us to talk about things th...
nash2 profile image

Can a Dr. in the U.S. write a script for Ocaliva for a NASH patient? Is it prohibited by law &/or employer?

Ocaliva & Nash Treatment

Healio reporting today protective benefit of marijuana for liver cells for NASH patients. Has anyone obtained prescription from a doctor?

Per Healio: Marijuana benefits liver cells of NASH patients.


Well, I finally got to talk to a Hepatologist today. Turns out I don't have NAS...
Ednoral profile image

If you don't care about liver disease maybe you should just ignore this

If you are a patient, caregiver, or someone who cares about liver disease. I nee...
nash2 profile image

We are having a webinar for liver patients 9/2 following EASL, I invite you to join us

Goal The goal is to keep the patient community up-to-date on medical research an...
nash2 profile image

Biopsy I come...

Yuck! I am heading into my 3rd biopsy (Im apart of a drug research and have NASH...
Purmaple11 profile image

Fatty and inflamed liver. What to do? Please help!

Fatty and inflamed liver. What to do? Please help!
PonchoAGC profile image


I know this could be a personal question but it looks like I might have to go on...
PaPPaG profile image
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