This site has been a godsend to me leading up to my laparoscopy so thought I would add some details of my journey on the hope it may help someone.
I’ll keep high level but please reach out for further info if it may help
I have suffered for years with bowel issues - pain and chronic diarrhoea but always been fobbed off. Last year it got so extreme I was sent for tests… due to weight loss and the severity I was put on the cancer pathway and tests undertaken.
I had a gascroposy which identified gastritis but nothing major. A CT scan dentified a 6cm mass near my right ovary for which I had further tests (ultrasound and another MRI) but it couldn’t be established what the mass was but presumed an endemetrioma so was book in for 7th Feb for removal via lap. I was private so quite a quick turn around.
Had my pre-op on 27th Jan and my blood showed high TSH (27) so op was going to be postponed. Re ran bloods on 31st and TSH had increased to 36. Managed to see a specialist who gave me green light for surgery as my T4 was within range. More bloods on 6th showed TSH had come down to 3.6 also so was good to go.
I had the procedure yesterday at 11am. I was a little nervous of the anaesthetic side but was no need - didn’t even realise they had given it me and next thing I was awake and all done.
I have 3 incisions - one on belly button, one the the left of belly button and one on bikini line. They hurt slightly but nothing I wouldn’t expect
I wasn’t expecting the internal pain I had when first came round but they gave me fentanyl and oramorph which controlled it.
There has definitely been pain but manageable. I was expecting the gas pain in the shoulder so it didn’t catch me off guard but it was quite bad… had lots of peppermint and didn’t last long.
I stayed in over night but was good to go in the morning.
The mass was an endemetrioma and was successfully removed along with my right ovary. Severe endometriosis was found and they released what they could but looks like I may need a full hysterectomy in a few months.
I have been signed off work for 4 weeks althought if I feel ready I will return quicker
I expect the next few days will be rough but will just rest as much as I can.
Will update over next few days with how it progresses pain/recovery wise