Hi I recently had a pelvic ultrasound for a study that I was taking part in..after the scan they told me I had an suspected endemetrioma measuring 7cm on one ovary and 3 cm on the other ovary but they now need to do an mri..I'm really scared that it might be something sinister that's why they doing mri?I've been in pain for a long time
Endometrioma cyst: Hi I recently had a... - Endometriosis UK
Endometrioma cyst

I have the same, they did an MRI to see more of what’s going on . Mine are stuck together and stuck to cervix stump ( previous hysterectomy) also tethered to bowel. So it’s really a case of what to do now , leave alone or more surgery ???
I have a 20cm on one ovary and 14cm on the other. The ultrasouns doesmt see in detail. The mri gives more detail than a regular scan and can identify endo and if there is need for lap surgery to remove the cysts if they are causing you pain. It's not anything sinister. It's a routine to make sure you are looked after 😊
So sorry 2 hear about yours..I thought mine were big
I am always in pain. My back, ovaries, bowels, restless legs, sciatica, emotional, tired and so on. And I need to wee a lot!! I am having a hysterectomy next week and my bowel peeled from my ovaries and womb so they can remove the cysts and hopefully take everything else out. It is very scary. I completely understand. But you are not alone. Definitely have your mri scan, get them out early and you will be OK 😊 The lap surgery is not too bad and only uncomfortable for a week or two. It took me 14 years to get diagnosed and an mri scan and it was too late. Deep breaths lovely and know the scan was a good thing to get you monitored and sorted. Take care of yourself 💕
Hiya, I had the same .. they thought it was endometrioma from scan but I think some of the staff are not specialist so require mri for confirmation and to see if there is anymore endometriosis that they can't see on an ultrasound. I'm sure its nothing sinister as pretty routine to use mri to diagnose endo. Mine got to 10cm and I had laproscopy to remove. Pain was constant before surgery but I've been so much better since and have really read up on diet etc to improve symptoms.
like everyone said, the MRI is for more detail. I had an endometrioma, I think 6 cm on my right ovary, they did a MRI which then showed adenomyosis, polyps and a fibroid as well as the endometrioma. I never had surgery though and thank God mine went away on its own
they are doing an MRI to get a details scan as an MRI shows more. You may need surgery to remove the cysts, usually for that type of cyst it doesn’t go by itself and that would make sense with you having pain. So I think that’s the correct plan, usually ppl have to beg for a scan so it’s good they are doing it.
Basically because I'm part of the study for ovarian cancer this was actually just a monitoring scan little did I know they would find all this I have been in pain for months and haven't been listened to..they kept putting me of for a uti ..who else had had a thickening of lining?
Yes I remember my first time I was scared but afterwards I realised how important it is to stay on top of your health and after 5days I was truely happy with the result. Endometriosis tends to make cysts. Some weridy have hair and teeth in, others have old blood from periods and have solid and fluid areas. When cysts get to 5cm they take them out by Keyhole Surgery usually. Its all got pretty clever. I have had several over the years removed. The are often just like having a zit inside you but it's important to remove them due to pain or they are just cysts but that's rare.
I think you are fournate to have the attention and a MRI as well.
I had a cyst removed on March 8th. I have been waiting since last yr and when they did the operation they discovered a new different type attached to the bowel so they couldn't fit it in but biopsies taken for the next Operation. Both were as they thought just cysts.
I wish you well x