Hi I have my lap on the 6th Feb I know there’s a few of us on the same day so thought maybe I’d start a post for us all to keep in touch and share any worries, I’m down for a laparoscopy hysteroscopy, polypectomy and depending on my ovaries maybe removing one xx
surgery 6th Feb ladies : Hi I have my lap... - Endometriosis UK
surgery 6th Feb ladies

Thank you! 🫶 how are you feeling, have you had your pre-op yet?
Hi yes ive had my pre op have you? Feeling extremely nervous now just want it to hurry up and be over, also everyone around me is coughing and sneezing so hoping I don’t pick anything up, how are you feeling?
I have mine tomorrow, I’m nervous even about that! 🥲 oh dear yes same here, everyone at work keeps getting sick and I’m just trying to stay away and keep my mind busy to stop the spiralling!! I’m also having a lot of pain from the endometrioma & headaches from taking paracetamol everyday. 4 more days to go! 🤞🤞🤞 how long have you been waiting for the op?
I hope you ladies got on well and are recovering well. Mine is tomorrow and I'm very nervous. Big virtual hugs xxx
How are we doing everyone? 🥲 I ended up staying the night so only discharged at 4pm today! Feeling sore and not very mobile but my cyst pain is gone which is amazing! 🤩
Hi glad to hear your pain is gone that’s brilliant. I am so sore and I was so sick from the anestetic and morphine I had to stay in, had my left ovary and tube removed and endo taken away from pelvis and uterer and pouch of Douglas, luckily I’ve got a lot of pain relief xx
Hey!! Oh no that sounds pretty rough! 😬 Good to hear that they’ve given you lots of pain relief though ✨ how many incisions do you have? I was expecting 5 but woke up with 4! 😂
I was expecting 3 and ended up with 4 😂 they are very near tho and I had glue can’t wait until I can have a nice hit bath again whenever that will be. Was your surgery successful getting endo xx
That’s interesting, two of mine are close together then I have one in the middle and one on the other side! The one in the middle is the most sore though 😢 oh yes I can’t wait to be able to have a bath too! ✨
My surgery was successful thank you, removal of endometrioma + pelvic endo mostly.
How are you getting on with moving around?
Yes that’s exactly how mine are 2 are close together the way he explained it was they had to do 2 to lift the skin up whilst they were doing the procedure so they could see more, the most angry one is my belly button. I’ve been getting up and very slowly going to the loo then slowly back to bed, I haven’t ventured downstairs yet. My back hurting I think it’s from sleeping upright. At least we are on the other side now and the only way is up hey. Bored of tele already 😂xx
Oh that makes sense, I didn’t think to ask about the incisions so thanks for sharing that! Your day sounds a lot like mine too 😂 I made it up the stairs yesterday but haven’t tried going down yet, so there’s that to look forward to!!! Relieved to know we’re on the mend now though 💪✨
How are we getting on folks? I am feeling more mobile & have a bit more energy but the constipation has been brutal (enough that I’ve stopped codeine entirely!) and I’ve got a bit of a cough on the go which is terrifying 😬
Finding it hard to relax enough to snooze & a couple of my incisions feel like a little lumpy? Sorry I’ve been spiralling a bit today! Hope you’re all having a better time, sending healing vibes ✨✨ xxx
Hi I’ve been in a similar situation but kind of my own fault I wasn’t taking the laxatives, and ended up with the most intense cramps yesterday so I ended up with more pain relief what a vicious circle. I managed a shower today and feel a lot nicer for it. Can also relate to the cough everytime my throat gets a little dry it turns into a full on coughing fit what on earth is that all about. My friend dropped me some colouring round and I’ve been doing that whilst binging call the midwife and it’s helping a little. Try and keep your mind busy and not overthink it will get better this is just the time to rest to get their sending love xx
Thanks for your reply! I was definitely feeling down yesterday but had a reasonable sleep last night & that’s really helped 🙌 the shower also definitely helped, especially with relaxing shoulder/back muscles!!
Aww that’s really thoughtful of your friend, glad you’re being looked out for! ✨
Might try venturing outside and up the street today 💪😂 Hope you have a nice gentle day! Xxx