Hi I hope some of you can advise!It seems crazy if some one has pelvic pain to put them through something like this without anaesthetic but.....
I'm seeing a gynecologist next week after a year long wait. When I got the appointment letter it said that I would be having a hysteroscopy at the appointment.
When I went to A&E last year because of awful pain and was referred to gynae, they mentioned hysteroscopy and said I could request a general anaesthetic if i needed it.
I'm nervous about going to the appointment as although I did ring in advance and say that I wanted to request general anaesthetic, the receptionist couldnt organise that.
She advised if I didn't attend then I be put to the back of the waiting list again, and to just prepare myself by taking paracetamol an hour beforehand just in case I have it done.
I have symptoms that could be either endo or adeno, including bladder and bowel symptoms, painful sex, and period pains for half my cycle. I've had them for decades but now I am perimenopausal they got lots worse.
Ultrasound just showed 3 small (2-4cm) fibroids and a polyp, plus a 'bulky womb'.
I would prefer to have an MRI first and then if needed a laparoscopy and fibroid removal under general.
Has anyone been able to ask for this? I want to but if you get an unsympathetic gynae it can be incredibly hard to stand your ground.
Scared of mirena too as they may want me to have one, but don't want my pain to increase, and hormonal contraception has always made my moods very low.
I'm trying to stay calm but getting pretty stressed so any advice welcome. Gotta say I don't know what I'd have done without this forum during the last year! Everyone is so knowledgeable, honest and brave ❤️ Thankyou x